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Degrees Page

Use this page to document the applicant's education. This includes each degree, schools and colleges attended, graduation dates, majors and minors, credits earned, and grade point averages. All of this data rolls over to Human Resources, except for additional majors and minors that can be entered for a degree.

When you finish your entries, click Next to display the Interviews page. You also can click Finish at any time to save the record and exit the wizard.

Action Button

You can click the following button when you are in the Degrees page's Major or Minor field:


Displays the Major/Minor for Degree page, which enables you to enter additional majors and minors associated with a degree.


Degrees Page

You can enter up to 10 degrees, diplomas, and other academic credentials.




Code identifying the credential, such as a bachelor's degree, high school diploma, or other record defined in your Degree table. Duplicates are allowed, for example, two bachelor of arts degrees.


Field indicating whether the degree being entered is the highest held by the applicant. Select * - Highest from the drop-down list if the current degree is the applicant's highest. Otherwise, leave the field blank.


If you only enter one degree, you must still mark it to enable the degree to appear when you run Human Resources' Job Class Inventory report.


Code identifying the school or college that conferred the degree, as defined in the Degree School table.


Date that the degree was awarded or the applicant was graduated. Required if you are adding a degree record.

  • If the applicant provides an anticipated graduation date, you can enter the future date to indicate the studies are in progress. If the applicant is hired, be sure to verify the studies were completed.

  • If the applicant only provides a month and year, you can use any day within the month, depending on your procedures.


Code from the Degree Subject table identifying the major area of study associated with the degree.


Code from the Degree Subject table identifying the subject in which the applicant minored.


Number of credits associated with the degree. This can include regular academic credits, continuing education units, or whatever is appropriate regarding the credential received. Decimal/5,2


Grade point average earned by the applicant. Decimal/3,2

Major Or Minor for Degree Page

Use the following fields to enter additional majors or minors for the degree being recorded. To display the page, your cursor must be in the Degrees page's Major or Minor field when you click the Major/Minor button. Note that this information is not rolled over to Human Resources.




Code from the Degree Subject table identifying the additional major area of study associated with the degree.


Code from the Degree Subject table identifying the additional minor area of study associated with the degree.

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