Delete Applicant Records
You can delete individual applicant records using the toolbar's Delete. item in the Applicant Information page. This function is useful in the following circumstances:
When an applicant withdraws from consideration.
When a position opening closes and no future positions are likely to fit the applicant's background.
In other cases where an applicant's record is no longer needed.
You can also delete applicant records using the record center's Purge item. The advantage of purging records is that you can delete groups of records based on either their submission/renewal dates and status codes. For information on this option, refer to Purge Applicant Records.
Delete an Individual Applicant Record
On the Applicant Information page. in the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Select the applicant you want to delete.
Click Delete.
The Applicant Information page displays in the background showing the applicant's basic information.In the Delete Confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the record.