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CRDC - District Configuration

Use the Civil Rights Data Collection - District Configuration page to set up the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) reporting.

Information for prior reporting periods is retained and displayed based on the required data for that year.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Civil Rights Data Collection. From the Setup Options menu, select District Configuration.

Field descriptions

The following table describes the fields on the Civil Rights Data Collection - District Configuration page.



State Employer ID

The state-assigned code identifying your district as an employer.

The limit is 12 characters. 

NCES District ID

The federal-assigned code identifying your district.

This code is assigned by the NCES (National Center for Education Statistics). 

The limit is seven characters.

CRDC Reporting School Year

The school year for the CRDC report.

Use 2024 for the 2023-2024 Reporting period.

Fiscal Year Start Date

The starting date of the fiscal year for CRDC reporting for your district.

Fiscal Year End Date

The ending date of the fiscal year for CRDC reporting for your district.

Federal Funding Organization Level

The level identifying the organization related to federal funding. It is used to calculate salary and FTE with and without federal funds for CRDC positions and non-personnel expenditures.

The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Titles tab of the Fund Accounting Profile page.

Location Organization Level

The level identifying the building or location level of the budget unit. It is used to attach positions and employee information to specific locations and calculate expense, salary, and FTE information by location.

The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Titles tab of the Fund Accounting Profile page.

Function Organization Level

The level of the function in the organization. This may be used in future calculations.

The values in the drop-down list are retrieved from the Titles tab of the Fund Accounting Profile page.

Position Crosswalk

The basis for the position crosswalk.

The default is JP - Job Class/Pay Code.


The basis for location, salary, and FTE calculations.

The default is DS - Distributions.

CRDC Leave History Capture Year

Use this field to override the year's leave history to consider in the CRDC ten-day absence calculation.

Leave the field blank to use the Year on the Fund Accounting Profile page.

This applies to CRDC 2018 reporting only.

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