Education Tables - Degree Table
Use this page to add, update, and delete Degrees. The Degree table contains the degrees employees hold. In addition to entering records for Bachelor's, Master's, and other degrees, you can use the Degree table to set up codes to reference postgraduate studies where a degree was not conferred, for example, Bachelor's + 15 Credits.
These records are used to:
Document employees' educational backgrounds in Human Resources. Refer to Degree Data Page for more information.
Track position qualifications in the Position Control System with Highly Qualified Teacher requirements. Refer to Highly Qualified Teachers: Position Control for more information.
The default file name for the Degree Table report is degrees.rpt.
Degree Table for Highly Qualified Teachers
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Education menu, select Degrees.
Use this table to enter educational information for your employees. Degree codes are used in Human Resources to identify the degrees earned by employees and in Position Control to set up Highly Qualified Teacher information related to positions.
Refer to the Degree Data Page for more information on how it applies to employee records in Human Resources.
Degree Codes in Position Control
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry and Processing. From the Position Control menu, select Position Control or Batch Position Control.
Degree codes are entered on Position Control's Degree Linking Selection page, which links Degree Subject codes to Degree codes when creating and updating position records.
If you are adding a position on the New Position page, the Degree Linking Selection page appears after you complete the Link Qualified Area to Position, Certification Code Setup, and Link Requirement fields.
If you are editing a position on the Edit Position, Batch Position Edit, or Mass Update Positions page, click the Degrees button to display the Degree Linking Selection page.
Refer to the Degree Linking Selection Page for information on how to use these pages to set up degree-related requirements.
Action Bar Item
The Import item on the Action Bar displays the Import Degree Table page. This page allows users to import existing degree tables. Refer to Import Degree Table for more information.
Field Descriptions
Before adding records to the Degree table, you must set up the Degree Level table to complete the Degree level field.
Field | Description |
Degree | A code identifying the degree and, optionally, levels of postgraduate credit. The limit is four characters. |
Title | The title or description of the degree. The limit is 12 characters. |
Degree Level | An integer identifying the level of a degree concerning Highly Qualified Teacher requirements. The options are retrieved from the Degree Level table. |
State Degree Code | The state-assigned code identifying a degree level or specific type of degree. |