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Email Template Setup

Use this page to define the email templates used in Recruitment. Email templates are referenced for notifications when job postings are submitted, approved, and available for applicants to apply for, as well as in other stages of the hiring process.

The basic setup of a template is fairly straightforward. The fields at the top of the Email Template page identify the template, while the additional fields provide data that will appear in the email, including email addresses, subject line, and body text. You can customize the emails to address certain specifics by inserting variables from the Form Fields menu on the right side of the Email Template page.

For details on using variables, including procedures, refer to the sections below.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Administration > Recruitment System Configuration > Email Template Setup

Form Field Variables

When creating an email template you can use the variables from the Form Fields menu on the right side of the Email Template Setup page. The variables will be replaced with the appropriate data when the email is sent using the selected template.

For example, you could use the Applicant ID, Applicant Full Name, and Posting variables to insert this data in the body text of all emails sent for recommending an applicant for hire for a particular posting. You could also insert variables that reference email addresses into the template's address fields, such as From and To.

Following are listings of the form field variables with charts indicating where the variables can be used. The first section outlines the variables used on the Send Email pages that are launched from various Recruitment pages. The additional sections detail variables as used on templates selected for fields in Recruitment Profile options.

To insert a variable in a template field, drag it from the Form Fields menu, and drop it into a template field as follows:

  • Left click the variable in the menu, and hold down the mouse button.
  • Drag the variable to the desired field, and drop it by releasing the button.

For customers using Integration, the following form fields will NOT display:

  • Applicant ID
  • Applicant First Name
  • Applicant Last Name
  • Applicant Full Name
  • Applicant Phone
  • Applicant Email
  • Official Start Date
  • Offer Accepted Date
  • Reference First Name
  • Reference Last Name

Send Email Pages

Users can launch the Send Email page by using the Email button in various Recruitment pages. However, certain variables do not apply to certain pages. In these cases, if a variable is inserted in an email template, it will not be able to reference the intended data and will appear blank in the email that is sent.

Hire Process Email Setup Page

System Administration > Administration > Recruitment System Configuration > Hire Process Email Setup

Users can set up emails to be sent in response to various events in Recruitment, such as job posting approvals and applicant recommendations. Using variables in email templates enables you to reference specific data in recruitment records and thereby tailor your emails.

Certain variables cannot be used in certain templates. For example, the Applicant Email variable cannot be used in eReferences templates. If the Applicant Email variable is used in these templates, it will have no effect; that is, no data will appear in the email where the variable is inserted. However, this limitation applies primarily to eReferences Email and eEmployment Email templates and also to Reference First Name and Last Name variables.

For more information on this page, refer to Hire Process Email Setup.

Online Presentation & Options Page

System Administration > Administration > Recruitment Portal Configuration > Online Presentation & Options

Email templates are selected in the following field on the Recruitment Configuration Profile's Online Presentation & Options page: Posting Notifications - Email Template. All variables can be used in this field, except Reference First Name and Reference Last Name. For more information on this page, refer to Online Presentation & Options.

Application Question Setup Page

Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Application Question Setup

Email templates can be used to notify the applicant when an application is submitted. In the Email Template field, the following variables in the template will not be replaced with data when the email is sent: Reference First Name and Reference Last Name. All other form field variables will be replaced with data. For more information on this page, refer to Application Question Setup.

Adding email templates

  1. Select System Administration > Administration > Recruitment System Configuration > Email Template Setup to display the Email Template Setup page.
  2. Click New.
  3. Complete the ID through Subject fields as needed. For details on a field, refer to the Fields section below.
    You can use variables in the fields that apply to the email itself. For details, refer the Form Field Variables section above.
  4. Click Save.


If your organization will be sending emails for eReference and eEmployment questionnaires, you must manually enter [Link] in the body of your email to include the URL to the questionnaire.

Editing email templates

  1. Select System Administration > Administration > Recruitment System Configuration > Email Template Setup to display the Email Template Setup page.
  2. Click the Pencil icon in the template's Edit column.
  3. In the Email Template Setup page, edit the necessary fields.
  4. Click Save.

Deleting email templates

  1. Select System Administration > Administration > Recruitment System Configuration > Email Template Setup to display the Email Template Setup page.
  2. Click the Delete icon in the template's Delete column.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, click OK.





Name or number identifying template. Character/15


Title of the template. Character/50


Detailed description of the email template.


Email address from which the email message is to be sent. This must be a valid email address on your server.

Variables can be entered in the following fields. For details on using variables, refer to the Form Field Variables section above.


Email address where the email message should be sent. This must be a valid email address format or a value from the Form Fields menu. Character/250

You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas.


Email address for sending a copy of the email message. This must be a valid email address format. Character/250.

You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas.


Email address to receive a blind copy of the email message. This must be a valid email address format. Character/250

You can enter multiple email addresses, separated by commas.


Subject of the email message. Character/150


Text of the email message. Character/4000.

If your organization will be sending emails for eReference and eEmployment questionnaires, you must manually enter Link in the body of your email to include the URL to the questionnaire.

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