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Employer Tab

Use the Employer tab to enter information for employer-paid benefits. This includes the benefit effective date, benefit amount or rate, maximum cumulative benefit, and encumbrances remaining.


Employer Tab



Benefit Effective Date

The date that the benefit takes effect. This date only applies to the Employee Benefits System. If you are using Employee Benefits, information from the Deductions page is copied to the employee’s Benefit record in Employee Benefits as of the effective date.

Additional Gross

Amount to add to the employee’s Gross to calculate the benefit.

This field only applies if the Deduction table’s Benefit Method field is set to M - % Plus Additional Amount. If so, the equation for determining the gross benefit is:

Benefit Gross = Original Benefit Gross + Additional Gross

Benefit Amount/Rate

A flat amount or percentage rate determines what the employer pays for the benefit. Enter a percentage as a decimal (5% = .05). Decimal/11,6

Use this field if the benefit amount/rate varies from employee to employee. However, if it is the same for most employees, you can use the table record to set the amount/rate and appropriate benefit method. You do not have to set the value for each employee’s Deduction record.

Your entry depends on the Benefit Method identified in the Employer Tab#Deduction table.

Maximum Benefit

The maximum cumulative amount that the employer can pay in the period identified in the Maximum Method field of the Deduction table record: year‑to‑date, inception‑to‑date, or fiscal‑to‑date. When this ceiling is reached, the benefit stops. For benefits that do not have a ceiling, enter zero.

Encumbrances Remaining

The number of pay runs in a fiscal year that the benefit should be encumbered in the Fund Accounting System. For example, if it is the middle of a fiscal year and the benefit should be encumbered in each pay run, enter the number of pays remaining in the year.

The system tracks the encumbrances and reduces this field by 1 with each pay run when the benefit is assessed. When the field reaches zero, the benefit will not be encumbered in subsequent pay runs in the current fiscal year.

Keep in mind these additional conditions:

  • This field only applies to benefits with amount methods: A - Table Amount or S - Employee Amount. This setting is stored in the Deduction table’s Benefit Method field.

  • The Encumber Benefits field in the Deduction table must be selected.

  • The start date in the employee’s Deduction record does not affect encumbering. However, the stop date does. Therefore, the benefit will not be encumbered in a pay run ending later than the stop date.

  • The encumbrance process affects all regular pay runs. The benefit can also be encumbered if needed when manual checks are issued. If you void a paycheck, you can increase the Encumbrances Remaining field by 1.

  • You can use the Fiscal Year End and Future Changes > Deduction Table options to reset this field when needed. Both options have a field entitled Num(ber) of Times Encumbered, which provides the default for employee records.

  • When you change the Number of Times Encumbered field in the Deduction table, the system asks if you would like to apply your entry to the Encumbrances Remaining fields in employee Deduction records.

Deduction Table

Benefit Method


P - Table %

Percentage to override table percentage.

A - Table Amount

The dollar amount to override the table amount.

S - Record Amount

Dollar amount.

R - Record %


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