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Employment Page

Use this page to enter employment-related information. The following fields are required and must be completed before displaying the next page or saving the applicant's record:


EEO Reported

Active Employee

Available Date

Preferred Employment


Social Security Number

If you report Equal Employment Opportunity information, you must also complete the EEO Category field. In addition, for municipalities, another required field displays, EEO Function.

After you complete your entries in the Employment page, click Next to display the Race/Ethnicity page. You can also click Finish if you want to save the record at this point and exit the wizard.


Applicant Status Section

This section stores dates pertaining to the employment application, identifies the applicant’s current employment status with your organization, and indicates whether the applicant is seeking a full-time or part-time position.




Code from the Status Code table identifying an applicant’s status, such as hired or rejected. You can use this code to select records in a rollover. When you roll over records into Human Resources, the system copies this code to the applicant’s Status History and assigns the system date currently in effect. You may need to change this to the hire date to maintain an accurate history.

Application Date

Date that the applicant submitted the application for employment. This date is used in the purge process, unless a renewal date is entered. The default is today’s date, which you may change as needed.

Renew(al) Date

Date for renewing the application. You can enter a future date or leave the field blank and enter a renewal date later, if needed. In purges, the renewal date takes precedence over the application date.

Available Date

Date that the applicant can begin employment.


Checkbox indicating whether the applicant is seeking re-employment with your organization. Select the box if the applicant is a former employee.


If you select the Rehire field and the person is hired, you must clear the box before rolling over the applicant’s records.

Active Employee

Indicates the applicant’s current status regarding employment with your organization. All of the codes except N - Not Active indicate the applicant is a current employee.


N - Not Active
P - Promotion
T - Transfer
R - Reassignment


User-defined title or code that identifies the specific or general type of position being sought by the applicant. Character/10


While you can adopt codes for general classifications, such as administrative or clerical, you may find it more useful to devise a coding system that suits specific purposes as well. For example, if you assign the code SCTY1250 to identify a particular secretarial position, you can search for applicants for the opening using the full code. On the other hand, you can also locate all secretarial candidates by entering SCTY* as your selection criteria.

Preferred Employment

Identifies the applicant’s preference regarding full time or part time employment.


P - Part Time
F - Full Time
B - Both

If B - Both is entered, the rollover process changes the code to F - Full Time.

Viewable Flag

Checkbox indicating whether the applicant can be viewed in Job Applicant Viewer by non-administrators.

Experience Section

All of the following fields, except Total Years Experience, apply to school districts. Also note that only the last three fields roll over to Human Resources: District Years, State Years Experience, and Total Years Experience.



Teaching Years

Number of years of teaching experience.

Administrative Years

Number of years of administrative experience.

Counseling Years

Number of years of counseling experience.

District Experience

Number of years employed by your district or municipality.

State Years Experience

Number of years the applicant has been employed in your state.

Total Years Experience

Applicant's total years of experience.

Personal Section

The Disabled Status is the only data from this section that rolls over to Human Resources.




Select Y - Yes if the applicant is a U.S. citizen or N - No if the applicant is not.


Select Y - Yes if the applicant reports a disability. If not, enter N - No.


Select Y - Yes if the applicant has a criminal conviction. If not, enter N - No.

Marital Status

Applicant's marital status.


S - Single
M - Married
D - Divorced


Select Y - Yes if the applicant qualifies for veteran status. If not, select N - No.

EEO Section

This section applies to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) reporting. All data, except age, rolls over to Human Resources.



Social Security Number

Applicant's Social Security number. The system provides the dashes.


Applicant's gender: M - Male or F - Female.

Birth Date

Applicant's birth date.


Applicant's age, as calculated by the system based on the Birth Date field and the system date. Display-only.

The following fields contain information related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) reporting. The Human Resources Profile's EEO Report Default field determines whether you can access this section.

EEO Reported

Indicates whether the employee is to be included in the EEO4 or EEO5 report. Access to this field and the selections available depend on the Human Resources Profile's EEO Report Default field.

EEO-4 Municipalities

Available if the Profile is set to 4-EEO4 or B-Both EEO4/EEO5.

With the EEO-4 Municipalities selection, you must complete the EEO Category and EEO Function fields.

EEO-5 School Districts

Available if the Profile is set to 5-EEO5 or B-Both EEO4/EEO5.

With the EEO-5 School Districts selection, you must complete the EEO Category field, but you cannot access the EEO Function field.

Not Reported

Available with all Profile settings, except N - Not Reported, which prevents you from accessing the EEO section.

With the EEO Reported field’s Not Reported selection, you cannot access the EEO Category and EEO Function fields.

EEO Category

Employee’s primary job assignment for EEO reporting. For information on whether this field is available, refer to the descriptions of the selections in the EEO Reported field. Also note that the EEO Category selections depend on whether you file the EEO-4 or EEO-5 report.

EEO 4 Report: Municipal and state governments. If this report applies, you must also complete the EEO Function field.

1 - Officials-Administrators
2 - Professionals
3 - Technicians
4 - Protective Service
5 - Para-professionals
6 - Administrative Support
7 - Skilled Craft
8 - Service-Maintenance

EEO 5 Report: School districts. The EEO Function field does not apply to this report.

1 - Officials, Administrators, and Managers
2 - Principals
3 - Assistant Principals, Teaching
4 - Assistant Principals, Non-Teaching
5 - Elementary Classroom Teachers
6 - Secondary Classroom Teachers
7 - Other Classroom Teachers
8 - Guidance
9 - Psychological
10 - Librarians/Audio Visual Staff
11 - Consultants & Supervisors of Instruction
12 - Other Professional Staff
13 - Teacher Aides
14 - Technicians
15 - Clerical/Secretarial Staff
16 - Service Workers
17 - Skilled Crafts}
18 - Laborers, Unskilled
20 - Part-Time Professional Instructional
21 - Part-Time All Other

EEO Function

Function code used by municipal and state governments in EEO 4 reports. Refer to the description EEO Reported field for information on whether this field displays. If so, select one of the following codes:

1 - Financial Administration/General Control
2 - Streets and Highways
3 - Public Welfare
4 - Police Protection
5 - Fire Protection
6 - Natural Resources/Parks and Recreation
7 - Hospitals and Sanitoriums
8 - Health
9 - Housing
10 - Community Development
11 - Corrections
12 - Utilities and Transportation
13 - Sanitation and Sewage
14 - Employment Security State Governments Only
15 - Other

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