Generate Applicant Reports
The Applicant Tracking reports menu includes five options for printing reports on your Applicant Tracking records. This section provides a description for each report option, as well as a standard report procedure.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Applicant Tracking menu, select the desired option.
Menu Options
Applicant Status | Provides a report you should run before using the Purge option. The status report includes warnings on applicant records that list a hire date but have not been rolled over. The report's default name is purgeapp.rpt. |
Hired Applicant | Lists applicants whose Hire Date field includes a date. You can limit the report to a specified cutoff date. You also can indicate whether to include all records, only those that were rolled over, or only those that have not been rolled. The report's default file name is hired.rpt. |
New Applicants | Lists all applicants added since a specified application/renewal date. You can also limit the report to applicants with a selected status code. The report's default file name is applicnt.rpt. |
Position Vacancy | Lists applicants whose preferred positions are open in Position Control. An open position has an Occupied FTE (full-time equivalency) value that is less than its Authorized FTE value. The report's default name is appbypos.rpt. |
Processed Applicants Report | Generates a report listing applicants according to entries in the Category field in the Applicant Status tab of their Applicant Information detail pages. The report's default name is applcat.rpt. |
Generate a Report
Select an Applicant Tracking report option.
In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria to specify the records to include.
Most report pages include an Advanced button. This displays a page where you can apply a wider range of fields in a search and set up logical statements for limiting the selection to specific records.
The Hired Applicants report page includes the following radio buttons for sorting the report: 1 - Name, 2 - Hire Date/Name, 3 - Hire Date/Position/Name, 4 - Position/Name, and 5 - Position/Hire Date/Name.
Click Accept.
In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK.