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Hired Applicant

Use this option to generate a report of applicants who have been hired. The report includes hire dates, application dates, rollover flags, degrees, majors, job classes, job skills, interests, certifications, and years of experience.

The Hired Applicants page provides radio buttons for specifying the report's sort order. The default file name used for the report is hired.rpt.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Applicant Tracking > Hired Applicant




Hire Date Cutoff

Latest date that applicants were hired. All applicants hired up to and including the date you enter will be selected.

Rollover Type

Code specifying which records to include:

A - All
N - Not Rolled Over
R - Rolled Over

Sort Order

Radio buttons for setting the report's sort order:

1 - Name (default)
2 - Hire Date/Name
3 - Hire Date/Position/Name
4 - Position/Name
5 - Position/Hire Date/Name

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