Human Resources Menus
This section provides a brief introduction to the Human Resources menus and their main options. Menus and options that are not mentioned here are covered in their own manuals or documents.
Activity Tracker Menu
Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Activity Tracker > Track Activities
The Activity Tracker menu's sole option, Track Activities, displays a page for using the Human Resources System's Personnel Activity Tracker module. This subsystem enables you to track employee activities, such as evaluations, discipline, leave, and other situations you define.
For more information, refer to Personnel Activity Tracker.
Detailed Displays Menu
Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays
The menu's Check History and Earnings by Pay Code options access history files of payroll checks and employee earnings.
For information on these options, refer to Detailed Displays.
Employee Menu
Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee
Most of the menu's options access pages where you can select an employee and then display a page focusing on a specific type of information, such as Employee Deductions or Employee Pay Rates. However, all pages for an individual employee can be accessed using the menu's primary option, Employee Information.
Employee Information Option
The Employee Information search page enables you to activate a wizard that leads you through all the steps for adding an employee. You also can display a detail page that accesses all records associated with a selected employee. The detail page includes the following tabs:
Employment | Race/Ethnicity | Leave Bank | Withholdings |
Personnel | Payroll | Earnings | History |
The page and its tabs include items for displaying more than two dozen secondary pages containing an extensive range of information on the employee, from pay rates and deductions to college degrees and attendance.
In addition, you can access the Pending Employee Center from the Employee Information search page. This page enables you to complete records for employees whose records were started in the wizard process but were not finished.
For more information, refer to Add Employee Records and Change Employee Records.
Additional Employee Options
In addition to Employee Information, the Employee menu includes the following options:
Attendance | Employee Deductions | Qualified Teacher Course Data |
Continuing Education | Employee Pay Rates |
These options are covered in the sections on adding and changing employee records, except for Highly Qualified Teacher Records.
Miscellaneous Menu
Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Miscellaneous
The Miscellaneous menu's sole option, Applicant Information, accesses the main page used in the Applicant Tracking System:
Applicant Information Option
This option displays a page for entering and maintaining records on individuals who are applying for employment with your organization.
For information, refer to Applicant Tracking.
Payroll Menu
Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll
The Payroll menu's options enable you to process pay runs and perform preliminary functions and follow-up activities, such as posting timecards and reconciling pay checks. Following is the menu's main option, Pay Run Processing.
Pay Run Processing Option
The Pay Run Processing option activates a wizard that leads you through the steps for completing a pay run.
For more information, refer to Pay Run Processing.
Additional Payroll Options
The following options enable you to access Time Entry functions, process checks, clear Workers' Compensation files, and create files for testing direct bank deposits and sending paycheck data to your bank.
Adjustment Checks Create Bank Prenote Post Employee Timesheets
Bank Transmission File Import Batch Timecards Send Paycheck Vouchers
Check Reconciliation Manual Checks Unclear Check
Clear Workers' Comp File Post Cleared Checks Void Checks
Time Entry Menu
Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Time Entry > Time Entry
The Time Entry System (Time Entry Administration, Time Entry Timecards, and Time Entry Reports) enables employees to enter and submit their own timecard information.
Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Contracts
The Contracts menu enables users to create and apply contracts to employees.
Periodic Processing Menu
Human Resources > Periodic Processing
The following options let you reset the system's transaction date, view employee pay rate and earning histories, purge records, liquidate encumbrances and redistribute payroll costs in Fund Accounting, clear files for starting new periods, and track course records.
Change System Date | Employee Verification | Pay Rate History |
Clear Monthly Totals | Liquidate Payroll Encumbrance | Payroll History |
Clear Quarterly Totals | Maintenance Paid to Date | Redistribute Payroll |
Effective Date Changes |
Year End Menu
Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End
These options enable you to prepare files for the start of a new fiscal year and process employees' W2 and 1099-R forms.
Attendance Rollover | Fiscal leave Accrual | Summer Pay Fiscal Year Accruals |
Calendar | Fiscal Process | Update New Year Rates |
Delete Attendance | Payroll Distribution |
Reference Tables Menus
Human Resources > Reference Tables
From these menus, you can access the options for setting up and maintaining the individual tables associated with the components of the Human Resources System.
For more information, refer to the following sections:
Reports Menus
Human Resources > Reports
The Human Resources System enables you to generate more than 100 reports. In addition to the listings on the main Reports menu, this includes the various reports that can be generated using the Print icon that displays on the toolbar of various pages throughout the system.
For information on the system's main reports, refer to the following chapters. Additional reports, for example, reference table reports, are covered in their respective sections.