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Import Future Pay Rates

23.10 and later

Use the Import Tool to import bulk information for future pay rates. Users must have resources assigned individually or through a role for the Import Tool menu to display.

An import may be used for future pay rates that are not an extension of current pay rates, or where there is a lot of change from year to year. For example, supplemental pay rates may be entered in an Excel spreadsheet and imported, instead of being loaded from current pay rates or entered manually in future pay rates.

Menu path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Imports and Exports menu, select Import Tool.

Future pay rates import template

Import templates are located in PowerSource Downloads in the PowerSchool ERP and eFinancePlus Data folder.

Import future pay rates

  1. Download the zip file of import templates in .csv format or with instructions.

  2. Unzip the template files and select the Future Pay Rates template.

  3. Enter the required information in the file.

  4. Remove extra informational cells so the file has only headers and data.

  5. Save the file in .csv format.

  6. Open the Import Tool and follow the import process.

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