Job Class History Page
Use this page to maintain a history of changes made to the job class and rate in an employee's primary pay rate.
The following sections each allow up to three sets of entries:
Job Class History Section | Lists the current assignment and two previous job classes. Entries include job classes and the dates of the changes. |
Increase History Section | Shows the percentages of the three most recent rate changes and the date associated with each. |
If needed, you can enter this information when adding an employee's records. After that, you should allow the system to maintain the data in both sections. Keep in mind that when the system updates either the job class or increase listing, it uses the transaction date from the Human Resources Profile.
Job Class History Section
This section includes three lines, each with two fields. When the employee's primary rate job class is changed, the class code and date default to the Current line, and the existing Current and Prior 1 become Prior 1 and Prior 2.
Field | Description |
Class | Three fields for the employee's Current, Prior 1, and Prior 2 job class codes. After the initial entry, the system updates these entries whenever a job class change is made to the employee's primary Pay Rate record. The current job class defaults to this page from the employee's primary pay rate and cannot be changed. The prior job classes can be changed, but generally, you should let the system maintain these fields. Changes to employees' secondary rates are not recorded. |
Date | The date that each job class was assigned to the employee. If needed, you may change the dates without affecting other records. |
Increase History Section
This section stores up to three changes in the employee's primary pay rates. Besides changes made in the Pay Rate page and other parts of the Human Resources System, the employee's rates can be increased or decreased by Personnel Budgeting and Salary Negotiations functions.
When a new rate takes effect, the system copies the percentage and date of the change to the section's first line and moves other entries down a line. If the lines are already filled, the oldest increase is dropped. While you can manually enter this information, usually you should allow the system to maintain it.
Field | Description |
Percentage Increase | Percentages of the last three changes made to the employee's primary Pay Rate record. Percentages display as decimals (5% = .05). The system uses the following formula to calculate this value: Increase/Decrease Percentage = (New Rate Former Rate) รท Former Rate |
Date of Increase | Three fields for the system transaction dates of the changes made to the employee's rates. |