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Future Local Tax

Use this option to update records in your Local Tax table. You can then post your changes to the table to take effect on a specified date. Except for posting, this option functions the same as the Local Tax Codes option. For additional information on setting up local tax tables, refer to Local Tax Codes.

For the procedures for using the Future Local Tax page, refer to Future Changes Procedures.

The default file name of the Future Local Tax Table report is blocaltax.rpt.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Future Changes menu, select Local Tax Codes.

Action Bar Items

The following items displays on the Action Bar when you open the Future Local Tax page.


Displays the Post Local Tax Codes page for posting a Future Changes batch file. For post information, refer to Future Changes Procedures.


Displays the Future Local Tax - Load page.

The following items display when you add or change a record.

Tax Detail

Displays the Future Local Tax Table page, which lets you define local tax withholdings based on earnings brackets.


Displays the Future Local Tax Credits page, which lets you define the amounts to determine employees' deductions for local taxes based on the number of dependents they claim.

Load Future Local Tax Codes

  1. On the Future Local Tax page, without performing a search, from the action bar, click Load.

  2. Select the File Source.

    • Workstation: The file is on your local machine.

    • Server: The file has been uploaded using eForms & Tools, Upload Files, if available.

  3. If you selected Server, select the Directory where the file is located. Otherwise, skip this step.

  4. If you selected Workstation, browse or drag and drop the file to populate the Copy File Name. If you selected Server, enter the Server File Name.

  5. Enter a Control Number for the batch file being uploaded.

  6. Enter an Effective Date.

  7. Click Accept.

  8. On the Print dialog, select the destination for the error report. If you select File, you can edit the file name so you do not overwrite another report.

  9. Click OK.

  10. If errors are found, a Confirmation dialog asks if you want to update the database or review the results report without making any updates.

The Liablility Account associated with the local tax may be entered in the file being loaded. Regardless of the value in the file, the import process will look up the liability account that is referenced in the current local tax tables (Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Local Tax Codes) for the same location, frequency, and marital status, and, if found, use that value; if not, it will use the value that was entered in the file being loaded.

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