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Mass Update Page

If the increases in a negotiation schedule or parts of a schedule are uniform for each step/range combination, you can use the Mass Update page to enter the increases rather than enter them manually in the Step/Range Schedule page.

Following are some parameters for using the Mass Update page:

  • You may use the page as many times as needed to complete a schedule.

  • The increases must be in contiguous blocks, for example, all ranges in a series of steps, a block of steps within a group of ranges, or all steps/ranges in a schedule.

  • Increases in the Mass Update page overwrite entries in the Step/Range Schedule page for the steps and ranges specified.

  • As in the Step/Range Schedule page, you can enter an amount increase, percentage increase, or a combination of the two.

  • The entries in the Step/Range Schedule and Mass Update pages have no effect on your current salary schedules until you apply them with the Scheduled Projections option.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Maintain Schedules > click Add New > complete the Schedule Information fields > click OK > complete the Step/Range Schedule page's Range titles > after accessing the Step section, click Mass Update on the Action Bar

Mass Entering Increases

The Mass Update option enables you to enter the same increases for all step/range combinations in an entire schedule or parts of a schedule.

  • If you are setting up a schedule where every step includes the same percentage, amount, or combination of percentage and amount, you can fill in all steps with one set of entries.

  • If one section of a schedule includes the same increase and another section of the schedule has a different increase, you can fill in the two sections by using the Mass Update page twice.

Following is an example of how two sets of increases can be applied to a schedule in the Mass Update page. The schedule includes 5 ranges, each with 5 steps. In the first set, all ranges for Steps 1-3 receive 3% increases, while in the second set, all ranges for Steps 4-5 receive a 3.5% increase.

1st Set of Entries

2nd Set of Entries




















Besides being able to use the Mass Update page more than once in creating a schedule, you can:

  • Enter increases in a section of the Step/Range Schedule page manually and complete the schedule by mass updating another section, as long as the step/range combinations being mass updated are in a contiguous block (rectangle).

  • Use the Mass Update page to enter uniform increases for one or more sections in a schedule, and then manually change individual step/range combinations as needed in the Step/Range Schedule page.

Mass updating a negotiation schedule

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Maintain Schedules to display the Maintain Schedules page.

  2. Click Add New to access the Schedule Information section.

  3. Complete the section's fields. For descriptions, refer to Maintain Schedules Page.

  4. Click OK to display the Step/Range Schedule page.

  5. In the Range fields at the top, enter titles to identify the ranges.

  6. To access the Step section, click OK or press <Tab> after entering the last Range title.

  7. Click Mass Update on the Action Bar to display the Mass Update page.

  8. Complete the page's fields.

  9. Click OK to return to the Step/Range Schedule page.

  10. If needed, repeat Steps 7-9 to use the Mass Update option again to enter another set of uniform increases.

  11. When you complete your mass updates, you may adjust individual step/range combinations in the Step/Range Schedule page manually.

  12. Click OK to save the negotiation schedule.




Range Low Or High

Number of ranges for the current mass update of salaried or hourly increases. Integer/2

  • The Low Range is the first range in the schedule to be affected by the mass update.

  • The High Range is the last range in the schedule to be affected by the mass update.

Initially the Low Range and High Range fields default the first and last ranges as defined in the Maintain Schedules page. For example, if eight ranges are defined, the Low Range will display 1, while the High Range will display 8. You may change the defaults as needed to define the ranges for the section being updated.

Step Low Or High

Number of steps for the current mass update of salaried or hourly increases. Integer/2

  • The Low Step is the first step in the schedule to be affected by the mass update.

  • The High Step is the last step in the schedule to be affected by the mass update.

Initially the Low Step and High Step fields default the first and last steps as defined in the Maintain Schedules page. For example, if 20 ranges are defined, the Low Step will display 1, while the High Step will display 20. You may change the defaults as needed to define the steps for the section being updated.


Enter the increase amount to apply to each step/range combination as defined in the Range Low/High and Step Low/High fields. Decimal/11,5

Enter the amount in dollar format. For example:

  • If salaries increase $500 for each step, enter $500.00.

  • If hourly rates increase $1.50 for each step, enter $1.50.

A mass update can include both an amount and percentage increase.


Enter the increase percentage to apply to each step/range combination. Enter the percentage in decimal format. For example, if salaries or hourly rates increase 3.5%, enter 0.035. Decimal/11,5

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