Maintain Schedules Page
Use this page to add, change, delete, find, and print negotiation schedules for employees whose pay rates are defined by salary schedules. These schedules contain the increases and decreases to be added to the hourly rates or annual salaries defined in employees' salary schedules.
Depending on how your schedules are structured, increases can be entered as dollar amounts, percentages, or a combination of the two.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Salary Negotiations menu, select Maintain Schedules.
Negotiation Schedule Pages
The following pages are provided for creating negotiation schedules. You must use the first two pages, while the third, Mass Update, is an available option when all of the increases in a schedule are the same.
Maintain Schedules | Displays when you select Maintain Schedules from the Salary Negotiations menu. Use this page to identify a negotiation schedule and define the number of steps and ranges to be included. For the steps to follow, refer to the Procedures section below. |
Step/Range Schedule | Displays when you click OK in the Maintain Schedules page. Use this page to define the step/range combinations in a schedule. The steps for using this page are included in the add and update procedures below. |
Mass Update | Displays when you click Mass Update on the Action Bar of the Step/Range Schedule page. Use the Mass Update page when the increases in a negotiation schedule are uniform, either for an entire schedule or in parts of a schedule. For additional information, including the steps to follow, refer to Mass Update Page. |
Negotiation Schedules versus Salary Schedules
Negotiation schedules apply to employees on salary schedules. For increases for other employees, use the Non-Scheduled Increases Page.
A negotiation schedule is a matrix of steps and ranges that match those in a corresponding salary schedule in the Human Resources System. The difference between the two schedules is that salary schedules specify the hourly rates and annual salaries employees receive, whereas negotiation schedules contain the increases or decreases that should be added to the values in employees current salary schedules.
Following are some factors to consider regarding negotiation schedules:
Before creating a negotiation schedule, generate a Salary Schedule table report. The report shows the step/range rates assigned to salary schedules and will help you determine the increases to enter in your negotiation schedules. For details, refer to the Procedures section below.
Negotiation schedules, like salary schedules, can be either hourly or salaried. When you create a negotiation schedule, it must be of the same type (hourly or salaried) as its corresponding salary schedule.
A negotiation schedule must have the exact number of steps and ranges as its corresponding salary schedule.
You can enter different increases for each step/range in a negotiation schedule or apply the same increase to all steps/ranges.
Increases can be entered as dollar amounts, percentages, or both.
You can enter decreases by using negative numbers, for example, -1.00000 to reduce an hourly rate by $1.00000 or -.0100 to reduce an annual salary by 1%.
After setting up negotiation schedules, you can apply the increases to salary schedules with the Scheduled Projections option, as discussed in Scheduled Projections.
Additional Methods for Increasing Pay Rates
In addition to the Maintain Schedules options, Salary Negotiations provides the following methods for increasing pay rates in your "live" Human Resources database:
The Auto Step Employees option provides an alternative for implementing increases for employees on salaried schedules. Autostepping advances employees to the next step on their schedules whether the schedules have been increased or not. For details, refer to Auto-Step Employees Page.
The Non-Scheduled Salaries option enables you to apply increases to employees who are not on salary schedules. For details, refer to Non-Scheduled Increases Page.
Navigate the Step Or Range Schedule Page
After you complete the fields in the Maintain Schedules page's Schedule Information section, the Step/Range Schedule page displays. Your use of this page depends on the number of steps and ranges defined in a schedule.
Up to five steps display at a time.
If there are more than five steps, the fields scroll up to show the next step in a range when you complete the last step displayed. To display steps that are out of view, you can scroll up and down using the vertical scroll bar, up and down arrow keys, or mouse wheel.
Up to seven ranges display at a time.
If there are more than seven ranges, the next range appears on the right when you press Tab in the last range displayed. You also can use the page's arrow buttons to scroll the ranges to the left or right.
List Negotiation Schedules
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria in the following fields to identify the records to display.
Schedule To select multiple schedules, use the pipe symbol between their codes, for example, A09|B09|C09. You can also use the asterisk; for example, 09 matches A09, B09, and C09, while A matches A07, A08, and A09.
Description You can select multiple schedules by their descriptions, if the descriptions are worded consistently, but usually you can skip this field in a search.
To list all schedules in the Salary Negotiation table, leave the two fields blank. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.Click Find to display the schedules that match your criteria.
To view a schedule's information:
Display the basic setup data by selecting the schedule in the List section. The data displays in the Schedule Information section.
Display the schedule's step/range data by selecting the schedule in the List section and then clicking OK three times to display the data in the Step/Range Schedule page. Click OK to return to the Maintain Schedules page's List section.
Add Negotiation Schedules
Generate the Salary Schedule report for the salary schedule that corresponds with the negotiation schedule you are creating. For the procedure for generating the report, refer to the last procedure below.
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Maintain Schedules to display the Maintain Schedules page.
Click Add New to access the Schedule Information section.
Complete the section's fields.
Click OK to display the Step/Range Schedule page.
In the Range fields at the top, enter titles to identify the ranges.
To access the Step section, tab past the last Range title field.
In the Step fields, enter the amount or percentage for each step/range combination.
If an increase includes both an amount and a percentage, the system applies the percentage first when projecting salaries and then adds the amount.
The equation used to determine the new salary amount is: New Salary = Current Salary Schedule Amount + (Salary Schedule Amount x Increase Percentage) + Increase Amount.When you complete all step/range combinations, click OK to save the schedule and return to the Maintain Schedules page.
Depending on the Continuous checkbox:If you cleared the checkbox, you return to the Search Criteria or List section depending on your location when you started the add process.
If the checkbox is selected, you return to the Schedule field. To add another schedule, repeat Steps 3-7. When you finish, click Back.
Change Negotiation Schedules
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Maintain Schedules to display the Maintain Schedules page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the schedule to update, and then click OK.
In the Schedule Information section, change the fields as needed. You can update all fields, except Schedule and Range.
To display the Step/Range Schedule page, click OK.
Change the Range titles and Step values as needed.
Click OK to save the updated schedule.
Delete Negotiation Schedules
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Maintain Schedules to display the Maintain Schedules page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the schedule to delete.
Click Delete.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Generate the Negotiation Schedule Report
Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Salary Negotiations > Maintain Schedules to display the Maintain Schedules page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Click Print.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is negsched.rpt.
Generate the Salary Schedule Table Report
Select Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Salary Schedules to display the Salary Schedules page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Click Print.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is salsched.rpt.
Review the report to help determine the increases you should enter in your negotiation schedules.
Maintain Schedules Page
Field | Description |
Schedule | Code identifying a negotiations schedule. Character/3 |
Description | Title or description of the schedule. Character/20 |
Schedule Type | Identifies the type of schedule. Select:
Step | Number of steps in the schedule. You may include up to 99 steps. Integer/2 |
Range | Number of ranges in the schedule. You may include up to 99 ranges. Integer/2 |
Step Or Range Schedule Page
After you define a schedule in the Schedule Information section of the Schedule Information page, click OK or tab passed the Continuous field to display the Step/Range Schedule page. The number of fields available on this page is determined by the values entered in the Step and Range fields in the Maintain Schedules page.
After you enter titles for each range, tab past the last title or click OK to access the steps in the bottom section. Use this section to enter increases for each step/range combination.
To access ranges to the right of the current page display, use the <Tab> key when you are entering the range titles, and then use the page's arrow buttons when entering step values.
To access steps below the current page view, you will need to scroll down, depending on the number of steps in your schedule.
You must complete this page and then click OK to save the negotiation schedule.
Field | Description |
Range | Title identifying a range (column) in the schedule. These fields display horizontally above the schedule grid. Enter a title for each range. The number of titles depends on your entry in the Maintain Schedules page’s Range field. Character/8 |
Step | The number of steps displayed depends on your entry in the Maintain Schedules page's Step field. Each step in this scrolling section includes two fields: Amount Accepts the salary or hourly rate increase for a particular step/range combination, entered in dollar-and-cents format. For example, enter a $1.75 increase as 1.75. Decimal/11,5 Percent Accepts the percentage of increase for a particular step/range combination, entered in decimal format. For example, enter 4.5% as 0.045. Decimal/11,5 You can enter increases as both amounts and percentages. If a step includes both entries, the system calculates the total increase by applying the percentage first and then adds the amount. |
Ranges 1-5, Steps 1-5 | Employees receive no Amount increase and a Percent increase of 3.5% |
Ranges 1-5, Steps 6-15 | Employees receive an Amount increase of $1000 and a Percent increase of 3.5%. |
Ranges 1-5, Steps 16-25 | Employees receive an Amount increase of $2000 and a Percent increase of 3.5%. |