Non-Scheduled Increases Page
Use this page to add, change, delete, and display increase records for job classes that use non-scheduled pay methods (Hourly, Daily, and Per Period).
In the Non-Scheduled Increases, you can:
- Assign increases to active pay rates based on employees' job classes. The increases apply to primary and secondary rates for all employees in the classes affected.
- Apply increases to terminated and inactive rates, as an option.
- Enter increases as dollar amounts, percentages, or a combination of the two. When both types of increases are applied, the system calculates the percentage first and then adds the amount.
Following is the formula for calculating new rates:
New Pay Rate = Current Pay Rate + (Current Pay Rate x Increase Percent) + Increase Amount
After creating increase records, you can use the Non-Scheduled Increases page's Projections item to simulate their effects. If the increases calculate properly, you can apply the increases to employees' pay rates using the page's Increases item.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Salary Negotiations menu, select Non-Scheduled Salaries.
Before using the Non-Schedule Increases page, you should generate the Class Table and Employee Payroll Data reports in Human Resources, as outlined in the previous section, Non-Scheduled Employee Pay Rates.
Action Bar Items
After you generate a list of increases in the Non-Scheduled Increases page, the following items display on the Action Bar:
Projections | Simulates increases without affecting pay rates.
For details, refer to Projections Item. |
Increases | Applies increases to employees’ pay rates.
For details, refer to Increases Item. |
Following are procedures for listing, adding, updating, and deleting records in the Non-Scheduled Increases table.
List Increase Records
On the Non-Scheduled Increases page, in the Search Criteria section's Class field, enter criteria to identify the records you want to list.
To list a specific increase, enter the job class that applies.
To list multiple increases, use the pipe symbol between job class codes, for example, 1010|1020|2010.
To list all increases, leave the Class field blank.
Click Find to display the increase records that match your criteria.
In the List section, use the down arrow key to scroll through the records. When you select a record, its data displays in the Non-Scheduled Increase Info section.
To return to the Search Criteria section, click Back.
Add an Increase Record
- On the Non-Scheduled Increases page, click Add New.
In the Non-Scheduled Increase Info section, complete the following fields:
Code identifying a job class in Human Resources. You can only access classes that have the following pay methods:
- H: Hourly
- D: Daily
- P: Per Period
Job classes with salary schedule methods – S - Range/Step Rate and R - Range/Step Pay Period – are not accepted.
Increase Amount
Increase amount to add to pay rates for the job class specified.
- To enter the correct dollar amount, you must know whether a rate's pay method is hourly, daily, or per pay period. To determine a rate's pay method, see the Verifying Pay Methods, Rates, and Projections section in Non-Scheduled Employee Pay Rates.
- To apply a decrease to a job class, use a negative number. For example, 1.20 reduces an hourly rate by $1.20.
Increase Percent
Increase percentage, entered as a decimal (0.03 = 3%).
- If you use an amount and percentage, the system calculates the percentage increase first, and then adds the amount.
- Leave the Continuous checkbox selected if you are adding a series of increases. If you are just adding one record, clear the checkbox.
- Click OK to save the record.
Depending on the Continuous checkbox:- If you left the box selected, you can add another record by repeating Steps 3-5.
- If you cleared the box, the system returns you to the Search Criteria or List section, depending on your location when you started the add process.
Update an Increase Record
- On the Non-Scheduled Increases page, in the Search Criteria section's Class field, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
- In the List section, select the record to update, and then OK.
- In the Non-Scheduled Increase Info section, change the Increase Amount and Increase Percent fields as needed.
- Click OK to save the record.
Delete an Increase Record
- On the Non-Scheduled Increases page, in the Search Criteria section's Class field, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
- In the List section, select the record to delete.
- Click Delete.
- In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.