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Online Presentation & Options

Use this option to define the appearance and options on the Recruitment Portal. This includes identifying employees who should be classified as external employees as well as fields available during the registration process and on an applicant's profile. This page can also be used to configure the general appearance of the Recruitment Portal, such as the color scheme and your organization's logo.

When you finish configuring the online presentation and options, click Save to save your changes.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Administration > Recruitment Portal Configuration > Online Presentation & Options


Registration Section



Show Social Security Number in Registration

Checkbox indicating whether the Social Security Number field is available to external applicants during registration. If the box is selected, the Social Security Number field will be available during registration.

Require Social Security Number Entry

Checkbox indicating whether the external applicant is required to enter their Social Security Number as part of the registration process. If selected, the Social Security Number field is optional. This checkbox is only available if the Show Social Security Number in Registration checkbox is selected.

Show State Educator ID in Registration

Checkbox indicating whether the State Educator ID field is available to external applicants during registration. If the box is selected, the State Educator ID field will be available during registration.

Require State Educator ID Entry

Checkbox indicating whether the external applicant is required to enter their State Educator ID as part of the registration process. If the box is selected, the State Educator ID field is optional. This checkbox is only available if the Show State Educator ID in Registration checkbox is selected.

Override Password Requirement Warning

Checkbox indicating whether the default password assistance/help text available during registration will be replaced with the wording entered in the Wording to be Used When Overriding Password Requirement Text field. If the box is selected but no text is entered, nothing will display during registration.

Profile Section



Show Social Security Number in Profile

Checkbox indicating whether the applicant's Social Security Number will appear on their profile. If the box is selected, the applicant's profile page will display the Social Security Number field.

Allow Social Security Number Edit

Checkbox indicating whether the external applicant is able to update their Social Security Number on their profile. If the box is selected, the external applicant will be able to edit their Social Security Number. This checkbox is only configurable if the Show Social Security Number in Profile checkbox is selected.


Internal applicants may not edit their Social Security Number even when this field is selected.

Show State Educator ID in Profile

Checkbox indicating whether the applicant's State Educator ID will appear on their profile. If the box is selected, the applicant's profile page will display the State Educator ID field.

Allow State Educator ID Edit

Checkbox indicating whether the external applicant is able to update their State Educator ID on their profile. If the box is selected, the external applicant will be able to edit the State Educator ID. This checkbox is only configurable if the Show State Educator ID in Profile checkbox is selected.


Internal applicants may not edit their State Educator ID even when this field is selected.

Show LinkedIn

Checkbox indicating if the LinkedIn field appears on the applicant's profile for update. If the box is selected, the field will display.

Posting Section



Allow Applicants to Update Submitted Application While Posting is Open

Checkbox indicating whether an applicant is able to make changes to a submitted application while the job posting is still open. If the box is selected, an applicant can make changes to a submitted application.

Allow Responses to Roll Forward Until __ Days Old

The number value entered in this field controls the length of time in which responses to questions defined with a setting other than N-Never in the Roll Question Answers field will roll to other applications. For more details on rolling responses, refer to Question Setup.

New Posting List Section



Max. Postings Displayed

This field indicates the maximum number of postings which will display for the applicant under the default menu option New Postings.

Days Old Postings

This field indicates the age of a posting, in days, which will display for the applicant under the default menu option New Postings. Postings with a posted date older than today by the number of days entered will not display on the New Posting List.

Posting Notifications Section



Email Template

The email template that will be sent to applicants when a new job posting for your organization is available if they choose to receive notification on the Recruitment Portal.

Identify Exception Employees Section



Allow Employees to be Classified as External Employees

Checkbox indicating whether certain employees need to be classified as external employees. External employees will still access the Recruitment Portal through Employee Access Center, however, the job posting and application questions available to them are the same as those available to external applicants.

Primary Job Class(es) for External Employees

This field indicates the job class code(s) for the primary pay rates of employees who should be classified as external employees. Enter multiple job classes separated by commas. For example: 0001,0002,0003.

When an employee with a primary job class listed logs into Recruitment for the first time from EAC and their applicant record is created, the Employee Status field will be set to External Employee. If the applicant record already exists prior to using these settings, you must access the applicants' detail records, edit them and save the records to set the Employee Status to External Employee.

Manage Applicant User Section



Show new password on reset

Checkbox indicating whether the new password will display for the user on the Manage User page when resetting an applicant's password. If the box is selected, the password will display on the page.

General Section



Show Questions

This option determines which questions will display to the applicant on the Posting Details page so that applicants are aware of some of the questions they will be asked when applying to the job posting.


All Defined Questions/RequirementsTo display all external descriptions of questions on the application.
Only Required Questions/RequirementsTo display all external descriptions of questions on the application that the applicant is required to respond to.
None of the Defined Questions/RequirementsTo prevent any external descriptions of questions from displaying on the application.

Show Salary Range

Checkbox indicating whether to show the Salary Range on the Posting Details page. If the box is selected, the Salary Range will display.

Current Logo

This field displays your organization's current logo in the header of the Recruitment Portal. Use the Upload Logo option to upload the logo from your computer or network. If a logo has not been uploaded, No Logo Currently Uploaded will display.

Upload Logo

Use this option to upload your organization's logo and display it on the Recruitment Portal. Click Upload to locate the logo image on your computer or network. Once you have uploaded a logo, the image will display in the Current Logo field.

Color Options

A color banner, which appears on the header of the Recruitment Portal pages, can be set using numbers on this scale. Click Change to display a drop-down of colors to select. The Red, Green, and Blue boxes contain the red, green, and blue values for the color selected.

District Name

Text box for configuring the text that will display your organization's name and related information on the Recruitment Portal page banner.

To display a Rich Text toolbar for formatting the text, click the Arrow icon on the far right. Using the toolbar, you can specify fonts and their attributes (for example, bold and italic), add numbering or bullets, import images, insert a table, and among other word-processing functions, copy, cut, and paste text.

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