Other Insurance Page
Use this option to maintain information on insurance policies that cover employees and dependents but were obtained outside of your benefits program; for example, privately or through a spouse's employer.
Menu Path: Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information > search for and select an employee > click Other Insurance
The Other Insurance page also displays by default when you are adding an Other Insurance record in the Beneficiary Information Page.
Page Types
The following pages are used in maintaining Other Insurance records. Both use the title Other Insurance.
List Page | Displays Other Insurance records that have been assigned to the employee's dependents. Three fields display: Benefit, Dependent SSN, and Insurance Code. |
Detail Page | Enables you to add or change an employee's Other Insurance records.
The detail page also displays by default when you enter an Other Insurance code in the Benefit Information Page.
Adding insurance records
Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the employees to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Select an employee, and then click Other Insurance on the Action Bar to display the Other Insurance list page.
The page's List section shows Other Insurance records that have already been entered.Click Add New to display the Other Insurance detail page.
Complete the fields in the Other Insurance Information section.
Click OK to save the record.
Updating insurance records
Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the employees to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Select an employee, and then click Other Insurance on the Action Bar to display the Other Insurance list page.
Select the insurance record to update, and then click OK to display the Other Insurance detail page.
Change the desired fields in the Other Insurance Information section.
Click OK to save the record.
Deleting insurance records
Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the employees to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Select an employee, and then click Other Insurance on the Action Bar to display the Other Insurance list page.
Select the insurance record to delete.
Click Delete.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
Other Insurance Information Section
Fields | Description |
Employee Number | ID number of the employee. |
Benefit Code | Code identifying the benefit provided by your organization that parallels the additional insurance coverage. The benefit must exist in your Benefit table and must already be assigned to the employee. |
Dependent SSN | Social Security number of a dependent also covered under this policy. You can only enter the number of a dependent already assigned to the employee. When adding a new record to an employee this field is always available for all users. When viewing or updating an existing record, this field may display in a masked (XXX-XX-9999) format or not at all. This display is based on an individual user’s security resources and a setting on the Human Resources profile. |
Insurance Code | User-defined code identifying the additional policy. One approach is to use initials or an abbreviation of the company’s name; for example, BCBS for Blue Cross/Blue Shield or AETN for Aetna. Character/4 When adding Other Insurance records:
The insurance code defaults to the detail page and cannot be changed under the following conditions:
Employer | Employer providing the insurance, either as a deduction, benefit, or combination. For example, if a spouse participates in a medical coverage plan on a self-paid or co-pay basis, enter the name of the employer. If the employee obtained the insurance independently, leave the field blank. Character/30 |
Company | Insurance company providing the coverage. Use the full name rather than a code or initials. However, you may abbreviate where needed to accommodate the length of the field. Character/30 |
Address 1 Or Address 2 | Two lines, the first for the insurance company’s street address and the second for the city and state. Character/29, each line |
Zip Code | Postal code of the insurance company’s address. If you use a nine-digit code, insert the dash after the first five digits. Character/10 |
Policy Holder | Name of the person to whom the insurance policy is issued. If the policy is self-paid, use the employee’s name. Character/30 |
Relationship | Relationship between the insured and policy holder. For example, if the policy holder is the employee's wife, enter WIFE or SPOUSE. If the employee is the policy holder, enter SELF. Character 10 |
Policy No | Number identifying the insurance policy. Character/15 |
Group No | Group number assigned is the policy is administered under a group plan, as with life insurance and health care coverage. Character/15 |
Contact | Name of a contact person at the insurance company. If the policy was obtained through an agency, enter the agency’s name. Character/30 |
Effective Date | Date the policy went into effect. Required. |
Cobra Rule | Select the checkbox if the policy is subject to the COBRA rule. Clear the box if it is not. |
Employee Covered | Select the checkbox if the policy covers the employee. Clear the box if the policy only applies to the dependent. |
Dependents Covered | Select the checkbox if the policy provides coverage to the dependents. Clear the box if the policy only applies to the employee. |