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Benefit Information Page

Use this page to assign benefits to employees. Employees and their benefits are initially entered into Employee Benefits through the interface with Human Resources. They can also be assigned automatically using Benefit Record Updates.
The Benefit Information page allows you to assign benefits to employees whose benefits were not interfaced because:

  • The employees do not have primary pay rates.

  • They do not have any benefits assigned.

  • Their benefits need to be updated.

You can also update or delete an employee's benefits in this page. In addition, you can access two related pages: Dependent Benefits Information and Beneficiary Information using items on the page's Action Bar.

Menu Path:  Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information > select an employee > click Benefits

Prerequisites for Adding Benefits

Before using the Benefit Information page to assign benefits to an employee's record:

  • Run the Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Employee Benefits option to identify employees who have primary rates but do not have certain benefits assigned in Human Resources. If an employee appears in the report but does not have the desired benefits, you can assign the benefits in Human Resources (preferred) or set up the benefits in the Benefit Information page.

  • Run the Benefit Table report to verify that the benefits you want to assign are included in the Benefit Codes table. To generate the report, select Benefits > Reference Tables > Benefits > Benefit Codes , click Print to display a Print page, enter your output settings, and then click OK.

  • If needed, you can add benefits to the Benefit Codes table. For the procedure, refer to Benefit Tables.

  • Verify that the dependents and beneficiaries associated with the benefits have been entered in the Dependent Benefits Information and Beneficiary Information pages. If not, add the necessary information in these pages. For the procedures, refer to the Dependent Benefits Information Page and Beneficiary Information Page.

Changes made in Employee Benefits do not affect records in Human Resources.

Action Bar Items

The Benefit Information page's Action Bar displays the following items:


Displays the Dependent Benefits Information page, where you can enter and maintain information on an employee's dependents. You can also access a page for assigning, updating, and deleting benefit records for dependents. For details, refer to Dependent Benefits Information Page.


Displays the Beneficiary Information page, which enables you to identify and update an employee's beneficiaries. For details, refer to Beneficiary Information Page.

Listing an employee's benefit records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee, and then click Benefits on the Action Bar to display the Benefit Information page. The page's list section displays the benefits assigned to the employee.

Assigning benefits to an employee's record

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee, and then click Benefits on the Action Bar to display the Benefit Information page.

  4. Review the listing to determine the benefits already assigned.

  5. Click Add New.

  6. In Benefit Code field, select the benefit to assign.

  7. Complete the fields in the General Benefit Information section and Benefit, Dependents, and Beneficiaries tabs. For details, refer to the Fields section.

  8. Click OK to save the record.

Updating employee benefit records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee, and then click Benefits on the Action Bar to display the Benefit Information page.

  4. Select the benefit to update and then click OK to display the Benefit Information page.

  5. In the Benefit, Dependents, and Beneficiaries tabs, update the fields as needed.

  6. Click OK to save the record.

Deleting employee benefit records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select the benefit to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.


The Benefit Information page includes three sections: Employee Information, List, and General Benefit Information. It also includes three tabs: Benefit, Dependents, and Beneficiaries.

Employee Information Section

The data in these fields, which are display only, defaults from the employee's record in Employee Benefits.



Marital Status

Code identifying the employee's marital status:

S - Single
M - Married
D - Divorced
W - Widowed
O - Other


Employee's gender:

F - Female
M - Male

Dependent Coverage

Checkbox indicating whether dependents should be required in benefit records in Employee Benefits. If the box is selected, one or more dependents must be entered in the page's Dependents tab. If it is blank, the dependent information is optional.

List Section

The following display-only fields provide information on the benefits currently assigned to the employee:



Benefit Code

Code identifying the benefit record, as defined in the Benefit Codes table.

Benefit Description

Brief description or title identifying the benefit.

Start Date

Date when the benefit became effective. If the benefit information is extracted from Human Resources, the start date initially defaults from the employee's Employee Deductions page, provided one was entered. As needed, you can enter or change the start date in Employee Benefits when assigning or updating a benefit. Keep in mind that benefit assignments and changes in Employee Benefits do not affect records in Human Resources.

Stop Date

Date when benefit coverage ends. This defaults from Human Resources, if available, and if needed, can be added or changed in Employee Benefits.

Number of Dependents

Number of dependents associated with the benefit. Dependents are entered in the Dependents tab.

  • Records identifying dependents must first be set up in the Dependent Benefits Information page. You can display this page by clicking the Dependents item.

  • You can also link dependents with benefits in the Benefits for Dependent Information page. This page can be accessed from the Dependent Benefits Information page.

For more information on dependents, refer to the following section on the Dependents tab. Also, refer to Dependent Benefits Information Page.

Number of Beneficiaries

Number of beneficiaries associated with the benefit. Beneficiaries are entered in the Beneficiaries tab.

  • Beneficiaries can also be linked to benefits in the Beneficiary Information window, which you can display by clicking the Beneficiaries item.

  • Unlike dependents, beneficiaries do not need to have records set up separately. You can enter them directly into the Beneficiary Information page or Beneficiaries tab.

For more information on beneficiaries, refer to the Fields for the Beneficiaries tab. Also, refer to Beneficiary Information Page.


Status of the benefit, defaulted from the employee's record in Human Resources.

General Benefit Information Section

Initially, this section displays data from the benefit currently selected in the List section. When you are adding a benefit, you must enter a benefit code to identify the benefit. When you are updating a benefit, the benefit code is display only.



Benefit Code

Code identifying the benefit, as defined in the Benefit Codes Table.

Update Dependent Benefits

Checkbox indicating whether updates made to the employee's benefits on the Benefits tab should carry over to the employee's dependents on the Dependents tab. The checkbox is selected by default each time the page is accessed, in which case benefit changes will carry over. To require updates to be made manually for dependents, clear the box.


The field is used only on the Benefits Information page.

Benefit Tab

This tab enables you to enter information on benefit coverage. It also includes fields for information on the benefit related to insurance, COBRA, and 1095's.

Coverage Information Section



Notification Type

Code identifying the type of notice sent to the employee on the status of the benefit, as defined in Employee Benefits' Notification Types Table.

Notification Date

Date the notification was sent or is scheduled to be sent. You must enter a date if a Notification Type code is entered in the Notify Type field.

Benefit Cost

Projected annual cost paid by the employer for this benefit. For a record assigned in Employee Benefits, you must enter the cost. Data can also default to the field from Human Resources under the following circumstances:

  • The employee's records were loaded from Human Resources and the appropriate values were entered in the employee's Pay Rate Data and Employee Deductions pages.

  • The information was entered in the Benefit Information page when the benefit was assigned or updated.

For more information on the calculation of the Benefit Cost field, refer to Human Resources Interface.

Use of the following fields depends on your organization's requirements:

Other Insurance

Userdefined code identifying an alternate insurance policy that provides coverage for the employee. For example, if coverage is provided through the employee's spouse or another source outside your organization, you could identify the carrier using an abbreviation such as METLIFE or NYLIFE.


Dollar amount of the coverage. For example, if a policy provides $100,000 coverage, enter 100000. If insurance coverage does not apply, you may accept the zero default.

Coverage Level

Priority level of the coverage under the policy referenced in the Other Insurance field. For example, enter 1 if the policy is the employee's primary insurance or 2 if it is secondary.


Checkbox indicating whether the benefit is a COBRA-related benefit. Select the box if the benefit is associated with COBRA benefits. Leave the box blank if it is not.
For details on COBRA processing in Employee Benefits, refer to COBRA Information.

1095 Information Section



Start Date

Date when the benefit became effective. If the benefit information was extracted from Human Resources, the start date initially defaults from the employee's Employee Deduction page, provided one was entered. You can also enter or change the start date in Employee benefits when assigning or updating a benefit.

Stop Date

Date when benefit coverage ends. This can default from Human Resources or be added or changed in Employee Benefits.

1095-C Offer Code

Indicates the healthcare coverage offer code, as defined by the IRS. These codes are used in 1095-C reporting.

1095-C Safe Harbor Code

IRS code indicating the Section 4980H Safe Harbor classification. These codes are used in 1095-C reporting.

Dependents Tab

This tab enables you to enter information on dependents covered under the benefit you are assigning or updating. The use of these fields depends on your organization's requirements.




First name, last name, and the relationship to the employee of the dependent covered under this benefit.

  • The drop-down list includes all of the dependents entered in the Dependent Information window.

  • If the dependent you want is not listed, use the Dependents item to display the Dependent Information page, and then set up a new record.

For details on setting up records for dependents, refer to Dependent Information Page.

Notification Type

Code identifying the type of notice sent to the dependent on the status of the benefit, as defined in Employee Benefits' Notification Types Table.

Notification (Date)

Date the notification was sent or is scheduled to be sent. You must enter a date if a code is entered in the Notify Type field.

Other (Insurance)

Userdefined code identifying an alternate insurance policy that provides coverage for the dependent. For example, if coverage is provided through the employee's spouse or another source outside your organization, you could identify the carrier using an abbreviation such as METLIFE or NYLIFE.

Benefit Cost

Projected annual costs paid by the employer for this benefit.

Start Date

Date when the benefit became effective. If the benefit information was extracted from Human Resources, the start date initially defaults from the employee's Employee Deductions window, provided one was entered. You can also enter or change the start date in Employee Benefits when assigning or updating a benefit.

Stop Date

Date when benefit coverage ends. This can default from Human Resources or be added or changed in Employee Benefits.


Dollar amount of coverage for this dependent. For example, if the policy provides $75,000 for each dependent, enter 75000. For benefits that are not associated with insurance, you may accept the zero default.


Priority level of the dependent's coverage under the policy referenced in the Other Insurance field. For example, enter 1 if the policy is the dependent's primary insurance or 2 if it is secondary.


Checkbox indicating whether the dependent's coverage is a COBRA benefit. Leave the box selected if the benefit is COBRA related. Clear the box if it is not.

Beneficiaries Tab

Use this tab to identify individuals named by the employee as beneficiaries for a specific benefit.



Social Security

Beneficiary's Social Security number. The system provides the dashes after the third and fifth digits. This field is required.

When adding a new benefit to an employee's record this field is available for all users. When viewing or updating an existing benefit, the field may display in a masked (XXX-XXX-9999) format or not at all. The display depends on your security resources and a setting in the Human Resources Profile.

First Name

Beneficiary's first name. If desired, you may include the middle initial.

Last Name

Beneficiary's last name.


Beneficiary's date of birth.


Percentage of the total benefit designated for the beneficiary. If there is only one beneficiary, enter 100 percent as a decimal number (1.00). If there are two or more beneficiaries, enter the percentage designated for each. The total of the percentages for all beneficiaries must equal 100 percent.


Relationship between the employee and the beneficiary, for example, SPOUSE or DAUGHTER.

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