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ACA 1095 Maintenance Page

Use this page to create, display, and maintain employee 1095 records.

Menu Path

From Human Resources, select Periodic Routines. In the Affordable Care Act menu, choose 1095 Maintenance.


Before loading records in bulk or creating individual records:

Create 1095s in Bulk

You can create 1095s in bulk using one of two options, depending on how your organization gathers the data.

  • If you are using the data from PowerSchool ERP and have completed the prerequisites, select Create Employee 1095s.

  • If you are bringing in data from a third-party for employees or non-employees, or have captured the data in another manner, you can upload a file with the data.

Purge Data

If you believe you have bad data and want to re-create the workfile records completely, purge the existing data for the tax year and control number.

Add an Individual Employee 1095 Record

  1. From the 1095 Maintenance page, select Add new.

  2. On the Employee tab, the Tax Year field defaults to the current year.

  3. Enter an existing Control Number for the selected Tax Year.

  4. If the record is for an employee, enter the Employee ID or click the Browse icon in the Employee Number field to search for the employee. The fields on this tab will default the information from the employee's record.

  5. If the record is not for an employee, leave the Employee Number field blank and fill in other fields as needed.

  6. On the Employee Offer and Coverage tab, add details of the employee coverage. For each row, if the employee had the same coverage or share, select an option in the All 12 Months column. Otherwise, select the appropriate option in each individual month. Select Waived Coverage for All Twelve Months or individual months if the coverage in the period was waived.

  7. On the Covered Individuals tab, add the name of the individual you are adding and any dependents. A social security number (SSN) or date of birth (DOB) is required for each covered individual. Select All 12 Months, or select individual months, as appropriate.

Edit an Individual Employee 1095 Record

After you have created the 1095 workfile, you may need to manually update an employee's 1095.

  1. Enter Search Criteria to search for the record you want to edit and select Search.

  2. Select the record you wish to edit in the List section and select Accept.

  3. On the Employee tab, edit the fields as needed. You cannot edit the Tax Year, Control Number, Sequence, or Employee Number.

  4. On the Employee Offer and Coverage and Covered Individuals tabs, edit the fields as needed.

  5. When you have finished editing the record, select OK to save.

Lock or Unlock an Employee 1095 Record

If an employee has a challenging coverage situation you can lock the 1095 record and make changes manually. Locking the record preserves the data in the record if you run the Create Employee 1095s option again. Records that are not locked are purged and replaced.

  1. On the Employee tab, select Locked. The date the record was locked will appear. You can use the Notes field to record a reason for the lock.

  2. To unlock a record, clear the Locked checkbox. The date of the lock will be deleted.

Delete an Employee 1095 Record

  1. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to search for the records you want to delete and select Find.

  2. Select the record you want to delete in the List section and select Delete.

  3. A confirmation will display. Select Yes to delete the record or No to return to the list.

Print a List of 1095 Employee Records

  1. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to search for the records you want to print and select Find.

  2. Select Print to print the records that are displayed in the List section.

  3. Select a file destination: file, screen, or excel. Select OK to print the report. The default file name is aca_employee.rpt.

Fields and Descriptions





Tax Year

Calendar year that applies to the 1095 workfile.


Control Number

Code identifying a workfile in combination with the tax year, as defined on the Employer setup.


Employee Number

Employee's ID number.



Sequential number identifying an employee's workfile record in combination with the employee ID. This will automatically populate as 1 the first time the 1095 is created for the employee. If you create another workfile record for the employee, the sequence number will be 2, and so on.


Social Security Number

Employee's social security number (SSN). Will only display if you have the proper resources to view employee SSNs.

There should only be one active/current 1095 record per each employee SSN.


First Name

First name of the employee as it should appear on the 1095. Character/30


Middle Name

Middle name of the employee as it should appear on the 1095. Character/30


Last Name

Last name of the employee as it should appear on the 1095. Character/30



Employee's suffix, such as JR or SR, as it should appear on the 1095.


Street Address

Street address for the employee.

During the printing process, address information will be updated to match Human Resources information.


Street Address 2

Specific address information including suite, apartment or building number.



City for the employee's address.



Standard two-character abbreviation of the state for the employee's address. The drop-down list includes abbreviations for all 50 states.


Foreign State

The foreign state where the employee resides. Character/24


Foreign Postal Code

The postal code for the employee's foreign address. Character/15



Country for the employee's address.


Check Location

Code identifying the location where the employee receives pay checks or direct deposit vouchers, as defined in the Personnel Location table. To facilitate 1095 form distribution, this field should be the check location code from the Payroll tab of the employee's Employee Information detail page in Human Resources.



Checkbox indicating this is a corrected 1095 workfile. When you select this checkbox, the date will populate next to the field to indicate the date of correction. This may appear on the 1095 document for the IRS.



Checkbox indicating this is a voided 1095 workfile. When you select this checkbox, the date will populate next to the field to indicate the date it was voided. This may appear on the 1095 document for the IRS.



Checkbox indicating this workfile is locked. If selected, the workfile is locked and data will not be updated if you run the Create 1095 process again. When you select the checkbox, the date will populate next to the field to indicate the date it was locked. You can unlock the file at any time by clearing the field.



Free-text field for internal notes regarding the employee. This field is internal-use only and will not appear on the 1095 form.


XML Record ID

Unique system generated ID for the 1095 XML file.


XML File Name

Unique system generated name for the XML file made up of several specific bits of data. For example:


BB0BD - Your TCC

20190518 - Represents the year, month and day that the file was created

114016 - Represents the Time the file was created


Employee Offer and Coverage




Offer of Coverage

IRS code indicating the type of coverage offered to the employee. For a full list of codes and descriptions, click the Help button on the ACA 1095 Maintenance page.

Either the All 12 Months checkbox must have a code or all individual months must have a code reflecting the offer for that month.


Employee Share

Monthly dollar amount of the employee share of the lowest cost monthly premium.


Section 4980H Safe Harbor

IRS code indicating the Section 4980H Safe Harbor classification. For a full list of codes and descriptions, click the Help button.

Entries are not required on this row unless appropriate.


Benefit Group Used

The ACA Benefit Group code used when creating the employee's record for the period.


Waived Coverage

Checkbox indicating the employee has waived coverage for that period. This field is updated automatically when the employee's record is created.


Zip Code

Employee zip code


Age as of January 1

Employee age on January 1 of the 1095 tax year


Plan Start Month

Month that the plan started.


Covered Individuals




First Name

First name of the covered individual as it should appear on the 1095.


Last Name

Last name of the covered individual as it should appear on the 1095.


Middle Name

Middle name of the covered individual as it should appear on the 1095.



Covered individual's suffix, such as JR or SR, as it should appear on the 1095.



Social security number of the covered individual.

A covered individual requires either a social security number or a date of birth.



Date of birth (DOB) for the individual covered by the plan. This will be printing on the 1095 form if there is no SSN for the covered individual.


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