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Upload File Option

The 1095 Maintenance option allows you to upload a file with 1095 information for employees, non-employees, or covered individuals from an external source. For example, you may import a file for 1095 information for employees from a third-party provider.

The Employee file upload might be used for individuals for whom your organization needs to provide a 1095 form, but who are not stored in Employee Information, or for information coming from a third-party. For details, refer to Employee File Upload Layout.

The Covered Individual File upload can be used to upload covered individual information that might come from another file in which your organization is tracking this information, or from a third-party. For details, refer to Covered Individual File Upload Format.

This option is accessed through:

Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 Maintenance > click Upload File

Steps to Take on This Page

  1. Upload a file containing employee 1095 information that is not stored elsewhere in PowerSchool ERP.

  2. Upload a file containing information on covered individuals (dependents) that is not stored elsewhere in PowerSchool ERP.

Uploading an Employee File

  1. Access the ACA 1095 Employee File Update page through:
    Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 Maintenance

  2. On the 1095 Employee File Update page, select Upload File. The 1095 Maintenance - Upload file page will display.

  3. In the Upload Criteria section, select the Employee File button in the File Layout field.

  4. In the Copy File Name field, select the Choose File to upload the file from your network or PC.

  5. In the Directory field, select the directory on the server in which to save the file. The default will be your report directory.

  6. The Server File name field will default the name of the file as it was named on your network or PC. This may be changed.

  7. In the Field Delimiter field, select whether you are uploading a comma or pipe-delimited file.

  8. In the Tax Year field, select the tax year for which you are uploading. This will default to the current year.

  9. In the Control Number field, select the control number for the selected tax year.

  10. In the Check Location field, select the check location. These options are populated from the Personnel Location table. The records created will use this as the Check Location for printing the forms.

  11. Once all the required fields have been completed, select OK to upload the file.

  12. A Print page will display for the ACA 1095 Upload Log report. Select a print destination and click OK. The default file name for this report is upld_1095_err.rpt.

  13. A confirmation will display with an Upload file error/warning count. Select Yes to process the records without errors and view the results report. Select No to cancel all processing. A preview of the results report will display so that you can fix errors. If the file error/warning count is 0, there are no errors and you can select Yes.

  14. If you select Yes, you will return to the ACA 1095 Upload page and a message will display, confirming a successful upload and the report will be available. If you select No, you will return to the ACA 1095 Upload page and the error report will be available for you to view the errors.

Uploading a Covered Individual File

  1. Access the ACA 1095 Employee File Update page through:
    Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095 Maintenance

  2. On the 1095 Employee File Update page, select Upload File. The ACA 1095 Upload page will display.

  3. In the Upload Criteria section, select the Covered Individual File button in the File Layout field.

  4. In the Copy File Name field, select the Choose File to upload the file from your network or PC.

  5. In the Directory field, select the directory in which to save the file. The default will be your report directory.

  6. The Server File name field will default the name of the file as it was named on your network or PC. This can be changed.

  7. In the Field Delimiter field, select whether you are uploading a comma or pipe-delimited file.

  8. In the Tax Year field, select the tax year for which you are uploading. This will default to the current year.

  9. In the Control Number field, select the control number for the selected tax year.

  10. If you are matching a covered individual to an employee using their Social Security Number, leave the Use Social Security checkbox selected. If you are using an employee ID number to match covered individual to employees, clear this box.

  11. Once all the required fields have been completed, select OK to upload the file.

  12. A Print page will display for the ACA 1095 Upload Log report. Select a print destination and then click OK. The default file name for this report is upld_1095_err.rpt.

  13. A confirmation will display with an Upload file error/warning count. Select Yes to process the records without errors and view the results report. Select No to cancel processing. A preview of the results report will display so that you can fix errors. If the file error/warning count is 0, there are no errors and you may select Yes.

  14. If you select Yes, you will return to the ACA 1095 Upload page and a message will display, confirming a successful upload.




File Layout

Radio button indicating whether the uploaded file is an employee file or a covered individual (dependents) file.

Copy File Name

Name of the file selected for upload.


Drop-down list indicating the server location for the uploaded file. This will default to the user's report directory.

Server File Name

Name for the uploaded file as it will appear once loaded. This will default to upld1095.txt and can be changed.

Field Delimiter

Drop-down list indicating whether the uploaded file is in comma- or pipe-delimited format.

Tax Year

Drop-down list indicating the tax year for the uploaded records. This will default to the current tax year.

Control Number

Drop-down list identifying a workfile to upload the records to, in combination with the tax year, as defined on the Employer setup.

Check Location

Only displays if Employee File radio button is selected. Code identifying the location where the employee receives pay checks or direct deposit vouchers, as defined in Personnel's Location table.

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