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Dependent Benefits Information Page

Use this page to add, update, and delete records on an employee's dependents. You also can create dependent records to identify the beneficiaries entered in the employee's Beneficiary Information page.

Menu Path:  Click Dependents on the Action Bar in either the Employee/Benefit Information or Benefit Information page

Action Bar Items

The Dependent Benefits Information page's Action Bar includes the following item:

Dependent Benefits

Displays the Benefits for Dependent Information page, where you can assign benefits to an employee's dependents. You can also assign benefits to a dependent in the Benefit Information page's Dependents tab.

For details, refer to Benefits for Dependent Information Page and Benefit Information Page.

Adding Attachments

The toolbar's Attachment item displays a page for attaching files to records, provided you have the proper security. You can also use the page to open and view existing attachments. While you can attach virtually any type of file, your ability to open a file depends on having the appropriate software on your computer. The maximum size of files that can be attached is 10 MB.

Following are procedures for adding, updating, and deleting records on an employee's dependents. For the procedure for assigning benefits to dependents, refer to Benefits for Dependent Information Page.

Adding dependents

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee.

  4. Click Dependents on the Action Bar to display the Dependent Benefits Information page.

  5. Click Add New.

  6. In the Dependent Information section, complete the fields as needed.

  7. Click OK to save the record.
    Depending on the Continuous checkbox:

    • If you cleared the checkbox, you return to the List section.

    • If the checkbox is selected, you return to the Dependent SSN field. To add another dependent, repeat Steps 6-7. When you finish, click Back to return to the List section.

Updating a dependent's record

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee.

  4. Click Dependents on the Action Bar to display the Dependent Benefits Information page.

  5. In the List section, select the dependent whose record you want to update.

  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Dependent Information section, update the desired fields.

  8. Click OK to save the record.

Deleting a dependent's record

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select an employee.

  4. Click Dependents on the Action Bar to display the Dependent Benefits Information page.

  5. In the List section, select the dependent whose record you want to delete.

  6. Click Delete.

  7. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.


Dependent Information Section



Dependent ID

System-assigned, sequential number identifying the dependent.

Dependent SSN

Dependent’s Social Security number. The system inserts the dashes after the third and fifth digits. Character/11, including dashes

When adding a new dependent to an employee, this field is available for all users. When viewing or updating an existing dependent, the field may display in a masked (XXX-XX-9999) format or not at all, depending on your security resources and the Human Resources Profile.

If you change a dependent's existing Social Security number, a dialog displays asking you to confirm the change or restore the original number.

First Name

Dependent’s first name and if desired, middle initial. Character/29

Last Name

Dependent’s last name. Initially, the name defaults from the employee’s Last Name field. If needed, you may enter a different name. Character/29

Address 1/2

Two lines for the dependent’s address, the first for the street number and name and the second for the city and state. Character/29, both fields

Initially, the system defaults the values from the employee’s Address 1 and Address 2 fields. You may change the defaults, if needed.

Zip Code

Dependent’s zip code. Character/10, including dash

If you enter a nine‑digit code, insert the dash after the first five digits. You may change the default, which is from the employee’s Zip Code field.

Birth Date

Dependent’s date of birth. Among other uses, the birth date is required for producing the Benefit Birthday report.


Relationship of the dependent to the employee, such as SPOUSE or DAUGHTER. Character/10


Dependent’s gender.


F - Female
M - Male


Status of the dependent’s record, as you wish to define it, for example, A (for active) or I (for inactive). Character/1


Checkbox indicating whether the dependent's benefits are active. Select the box if the benefits are active.

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