Benefits for Dependent Information Page
Use this page to assign, update, and delete benefits for a selected dependent.
Menu Path: Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information > search for and select an employee > click Dependents > select a dependent > click Dependent Benefits
You can also access this page from the Benefit Information page. For details, refer to Benefit Information Page.
Maintaining benefits for dependents
This procedure includes details on how to add, change or delete benefits for dependents. You can only assign benefits that have already been added to the employee's record.
Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > Benefits > Employee/Benefit Information to display the Employee/Benefit Information page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select an employee.
Click Dependents on the Action Bar to display the Dependent Benefits Information page.
If needed, add or update the dependents for the current employee. For the procedures, refer to Dependent Benefits Information Page.
In the List section, select a dependent.
Click Dependent Benefits on the Action Bar.
In the Dependent Benefits Information page:
To add a benefit, complete a blank row. If needed, click Insert Row on the Action Bar to add a new row.
To update a benefit, change its fields as needed.
To delete a benefit, position your cursor on its row, and then click Delete Row on the Action Bar.
Click OK to save your entries and return to the Dependent Benefits Information page.
Fields | Description |
Dependent ID | System-assigned, sequential number. |
Benefit | Code identifying the benefit record, as defined in the Benefit Codes table. |
Notification Type | Code identifying the type of notification sent to the dependent on the status of the benefit, as defined in Employee Benefits’ Notification Types table. |
Notify Date | Date the notification was sent or is scheduled to be sent. You must enter a date if a code is entered in the Notification Type field. |
Start Date | Date when the benefit became effective. If the benefit was extracted from Human Resources, the start date defaults from the Employee Deductions page. You can enter or change the start date in Employee Benefits when assigning or updating a benefit. |
Stop Date | Date when benefit coverage ends. This can default from the Deductions page in Human Resources or be added in Employee Benefits. |
Coverage | Dollar amount of the benefit for this dependent, for example, $50000 life insurance coverage. If a specific dollar amount does not apply, you may accept the zero default. Decimal/12,2 |
Cost | Projected annual cost paid by the employer for this benefit. Decimal/12,2 |
Other Insurance | User‑defined code identifying a policy that provides additional coverage for the dependent. You can identify the carrier or policy type by entering an abbreviation. Character/4 |
Level | Priority level of the dependent’s coverage under the policy referenced in the Other Insurance field. For example, enter 1 if the policy is the dependent’s primary insurance or 2 if it is secondary. Character/1 |
COBRA | Checkbox indicating whether the coverage is a COBRA benefit. Select the box if the benefit is COBRA related. |