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This table serves two purposes in Professional Development:

  • Stores a list of your organization's employees who are authorized to be course instructors.

  • Stores a list of users who are not employed by the organization but who could either be a course instructor, course participant, or both. Examples of non-employee Professional Development users could include independent contractors who conduct courses or members of the community who participate in courses.

The Participant/Instructor Listing report is sent to a PDF or Excel spreadsheet that you can save to your computer. For the procedures for listing, adding, updating, deleting, and printing table records, refer to Reference Table Options and Procedures.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Professional Development > Participants/Instructors

Action Bar Items

The following items may be available on the Participants/Instructors page's Action Bar when you select a record in the page's List section.


Enables you to approve the selected participant or instructor.


Enables you to deny the selected participant and instructor.

The use of these items depends on a setting in the User Forms tab of the User Workflow Configuration Profile. For details, refer to User Workflow Configuration Profile.




Participant Or Instructor ID

The identification number of the participant/instructor. If an employee is a user of PowerSchool ERP software, enter the employee's ID. If an employee is not an PowerSchool ERP user, enter a unique value. Character/9

Approval Status

Identifies the status of the participant/instructor.


AC - Active
IN - Inactive

First Name

The first name of the participant/instructor. Character/30

Last Name

The last name of the participant/instructor. Character/30

Address 1

First line of the address for the participant/instructor. Character/30

Address 2

Second line of the address for the participant/instructor. Character/30


The city for the address of the participant/instructor. Character/20


The state for the address of the participant/instructor. Character/2


Zip code for the participant/instructor’s address. Character/5

Zip Extension (untitled)

Zip code extension for the participant/instructor’s address. Character/4

Home Phone Number and Extension

Home phone number and four-digit extension for the participant/instructor.

Work Phone Number and Extension

Work phone number and four-digit extension for the participant/instructor.

Cell Phone Number and Extension

Cell phone number and four-digit extension for the participant/instructor.

Other Phone Number and Extension

Other phone number and four-digit extension for the participant/instructor.

Email Address

Email address of the participant/instructor. Character/50

Alternate Email Address

Alternate email address of the participant/instructor. Character/50

School District Or Location

Location of the outside organization or school district for the participant/instructor. Character/50


Checkbox indicating the participant/instructor is an instructor.


Checkbox indicating the participant/instructor is a participant.

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