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Pay Rates

22.4 and earlier and customers using Min/Mid/Max feature. For 23.10 and later, refer to Future Pay Rates.

Use this option to enter changes to an employee pay rate and create a batch file to post to your database on a future date. You can also update, print, and delete pay rate records that have not been posted. Except for the Effective Date and Post? fields, this page is the same as the Employee Information Pay Rate page.

To generate a report of the records in the batch file, select Print. The Future Employee Pay Rate report default file name is bpayrate.rpt.

For the procedures to to use the Effective Pay Rate Changes page, refer to Periodic Processing - Effective Date Changes.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Periodic Processing menu, select Effective Date Changes, and then select Pay Rates. Search for and select a pay rate change record.

Fields and descriptions

Following are the fields in the search criteria and Effective Date Information section of the detail page. For information on the other fields, refer to Pay Rate Information Pages.



Effective Date

Date that the record should become effective. When you run the Post option, the system posts batch records that either match or precede this date. Posting also depends on whether the Post? field is selected.


Checkbox indicating whether the batch record should be posted based on the Effective Date entered.

Select the box to enable posting. Leave the box blank to prevent the record from being posted.

Employee Number

Number identifying an employee. Use Lookup to select the employee.


Identifies the job class. Following are the values that default to the employee Pay Rate record based on the job class you select:

  • The pay code, pay method, pay group, and calendar default from the class.

  • If the class includes a salary schedule, the system uses the schedule annual salary or hourly rate. It also defaults the schedule contract days.

  • Deduction codes and leave codes default to the applicable pages from the job class, but only for primary rates and only when adding a new employee. These values do not default when you change a rate or create a new one.

  • If you use Position Control and the Position table includes the class you assign, the Position Assignments page displays after you enter the job class.

Pay Code

Code identifying the type of rate, as defined in the Pay Code table. The pay code determines the following:

  • The type of pay, such as regular salary, overtime, vacation pay, sick leave, or leave without pay.

  • The rate pay type, which must be compatible with its pay method. Refer to the Pay types and compatible pay methods section of this page.

  • Exemptions from certain taxes and deduction codes.

  • Whether the rate applies to Workers’ Compensation and FLSA calculations.

  • The leave codes to update.

  • The title to print on the employee’s paycheck or direct deposit voucher.

  • Whether gross wages can be encumbered.

Pay Group

The user-defined, one-character code for grouping employees when processing payroll, W2s, and 1099-Rs. Pay groups often reference pay frequencies, such as Weekly, Biweekly, and Monthly. The primary use of a pay group is to allow you to load time for all employees who should be paid together in a pay run.

For example, if salaried employees are paid biweekly and hourly workers weekly, you could assign the code W (weekly) and B (biweekly) to the respective groups. When setting up pay groups in pay runs, you would enter W as a pay group every week and B on alternating weeks.

Besides using codes to reference frequencies, you could define a pay group for retirees (R, for example) whose pensions are employer-paid. When you process 1099-R forms at the end of a calendar year, you can access the related employee records by using this code as selection criteria.

While you can set up as many pay groups as you want (one for every letter in the alphabet plus one for the digits 0-9), the W2 and 1099-R options allow you to enter a maximum of 24 groups.

Pay types and compatible pay methods

Pay type

Compatible pay methods

Hourly, Daily, and Per Unit Rate

Hourly, Daily, and Range/Step Rate

Per Period Rate

Pay Period and Range/Step Pay Per

Timecard Amount and Special Amount

None required

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