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Payment Activity Page

Use this option on the Payment History page's Action Bar to look up information in COBRA activity records. Activity records store any additions, changes, or deletions made to payment records. An activity record also includes the user ID of the person who made the addition, change, or deletion.

Menu Path:  Benefits > Entry & Processing > COBRA Information > Payment History Maintenance > search for and list payment records > click Payment Activity

Displaying COBRA activity records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > COBRA Information > Payment History Maintenance to display the Payment History Page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. Click Payment Activity on the Action Bar to display the Payment Activity page.

  4. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the activity records to display. To display all activity records, leave the section blank.

  5. Click Find to display the records matching your criteria.

  6. Use your arrow keys to scroll through the records.

  7. Click Back to return to the Search Criteria section.

  8. Search for another set of records by repeating Steps 4-5, or click Back to return to the Payment History page.




Employee Number

Employee ID numbers.


Codes identifying COBRA benefits.

Dependent SSN

Social Security numbers of dependents and employees. This field may not be available in the Seach Criteria section and may display in a masked, XXX-XX-9999, format or not at all in the list section. This is based on an individual user's security resources and a setting on the Human Resource's profile.

Date Paid

Dates that the payments were posted.


Systemgenerated codes indicating the actions performed with the Payment History option that created the activity records:

A - Added Payment
C - Changed Payment
D - Deleted Payment

Original Value

Original payment amounts.

  • In changed records, this value is the amount used at the time of the change, since it is possible to have several change records for the same benefit payment.

  • In deleted records, this value represents either the original value if the amount was never changed or the value from the most recent change.

New Value

New payment amounts. This field only applies to changed records. In added and deleted records, the field is always set to 0.00.


Login IDs of the employees who added, changed, and deleted records. Login IDs are defined in Security's Users table.

Change Date

Systemgenerated dates of the actions performed.

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