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Payment History Page

Use this page to look up information on COBRA payment records.

Menu Path:  Benefits > Entry & Processing > COBRA Information > Payment History Maintenance

Action Bar Item

The Payment History page's Action Bar displays the following item after you generate a list of payments:

Payment Activity

Displays the Payment Activity page. For details, refer to the next section, Payment Activity Page.

While you can add, change, and delete payment records in this page, these functions will produce inconsistencies in the COBRA Information page's Payment column, since they change the amounts paid but do not make related adjustments to keep totals in balance.

Viewing payment records

  1. Select Benefits > Entry & Processing > COBRA Information > Payment History Maintenance to display the Payment History page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. To display a record's data in the Payment History Information section, select the record in the List section.

  4. To return to the Search Criteria section to search for and list other records, click Back.




Employee Number

ID number of the employee who made the payment.


Code identifying the benefit assigned to the employee.

Dependent SSN

Social Security number of either the employee or dependent covered by this benefit. When viewing a record, this field may display in a masked (XXX-XX-9999) format or not at all. The display is based on your security resources and a setting in the Human Resources Profile.

Date Paid

Date of the payment.

Amount Paid

Amount posted as payment.

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