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Payroll Journal

Use this option to generate a journal of all checks issued in the selected pay run. The difference between this report and the Check Register is that the journal provides complete itemizations for each check, including current and year-to-date earnings, taxes, deductions, benefits, and leave. By contrast, the Check Register only includes employee data, check/deposit numbers, pay amounts, and totals.

If you are using the Job Stream, the system generates the Payroll Journal report after running the Check Register. In this case, the sort order is determined by the selection in the Pay Journal Sort Order field in your Human Resources Profile.

The default file name is payjour.rpt when run to File or Screen, and payjourrpt.xlsx when run to Excel.

Report Options

The Payroll Journal page provides the following options:

Sort by Check Location

Sorts by the check location entered in the employee's Payroll tab.

Sort by Department

Sorts the journal by the department from the employee's Employment tab.

Sort by Name

Sorts by the employee's last name.

Skip Report

Do not print a Payroll Journal report.

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