Pending Employee Center
After you complete the Base Employee Data page in the add process, you can save an employee's records. However, if required pages are omitted, the system designates the employee as pending, using Add Pending as the status code. The Pending Employee Center lets you complete the necessary pages to add the employee to your database.
A pending employee can still be processed in a pay run, provided all payroll-related pages are completed. In addition, if the necessary leave banks have been set up, a pending employee also can accrue leave.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information. Select Only List Pending Employees and select Search.
When changes are made to a pending employee, the following tables are updated in Activity History: EMPLOYEE, PAYROLL, PERSONNEL, PAYRATE, DIST_ORGN, DISTR_PROJ, and USER DEFINED. If the record didn't exist in any of these tables, the value on the table would be NEW. If the record already exists and changes are made to it on the pending employee, the appropriate fields will be updated.
Components of the Pending Employee Center
The Pending Employee Center includes the following components. Some of these elements are defined in the Human Resources Profile's Employee Add Setup option, for example, the order of the page buttons, their designated sections, and whether certain pages are required.
Component | Description |
Employee Section | Identifies the employee by name, ID number, department, and base location. |
Roles Sections | Display page buttons based on roles. The system uses two default roles: Payroll and Personnel. Additional roles are created in the Role Setup table. Roles are assigned to users in the User Setup table and to pages in Human Resources profile's Employee Add Setup option. |
Page Buttons | The page buttons in the Pending Employee Center's roles sections depend on how your system is configured in the Role Setup and User Setup tables and the Human Resources Profile's Employee Add Setup option. Clicking a button displays the add employee page identified by the button's title. The page has been designated as Required if the button's title is marked with an asterisk. |
Checkboxes | If the checkbox to the left of a page button is selected, all of the page's required fields have been completed. A page can have optional fields that do not have entries and still be considered complete. |
Action Bar Items | Clicking the buttons on the bottom of the Pending Employee Center initiates the following actions: |
Back - Closes the center and returns you to the Employee Information search page. | |
Activity Tracker - Displays the Activity page, where you can add or update information used in the Personnel Activity Tracker module. | |
Finish - Displays a display that indicates whether the necessary pages have been completed for adding the employee to your database. | |
Delete Pending Employee - Deletes all records entered for the pending employee. A confirmation dialog displays first, asking if you want to delete the employee's data. |
Following are procedures for displaying the Pending Employee Center, completing a pending employee's records, adding a pending employee to your database, and deleting a pending employee.
Display the Pending Employee Center
From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Employee menu, select Employee Information.
In the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records you want to display. To limit the listing to pending employees, select Only List Pending Employees, and leave all the other fields blank.
Click Search to display the records that match your criteria.
Select an employee whose Pending status is Add Pending.
Click Accept to display the Pending Employee Center.
Complete a Pending Employee's Records
In the Pending Employee Center, select the first button whose checkbox is not selected.
You can start with an earlier, completed page if desired. For example, this would enable you to complete or change optional fields.On the selected page, complete all required fields and any optional fields you want to use.
Click Next to display the next page in the add employee process.
You can proceed to the next page without completing the required fields in the Deductions and Assignments pages. However, in the Payroll and Pay Rates pages, you must complete the required fields before proceeding.Repeat Steps 2-3 for each page that displays.
When you have completed all pages in the add process and click Next or Finish on the final page, the system returns you to the Pending Employee Center.
Add a Pending Employee to the Database
Make sure that all required pages are completed. The system indicates which pages are completed by inserting checkmarks in the boxes to the left of their buttons.
On the Pending Employee Center's Action Bar, click Finish.
Click Yes.
This removes the employee's Add Pending status and displays the Employee Information search page. You can now complete the new employee's records.
Delete a Pending Employee
In the Pending Employee Center, click Delete Pending Employee.
Click Yes to delete all records associated with the pending employee.