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Personnel Tables - Qualification Methods Table

Use this table to create records relating to evaluation methods for Highly Qualified Teacher status. These methods, which are often defined by the state, and can refer to:

  • Evaluation criteria related to areas such as Professional Development, Teaching Experience, Certification Testing, and Content Knowledge.

  • Specific subjects in a broader subject area, such as Physics and Chemistry within Science, or general subject areas, such as Science and Math.

Qualification Method codes are used as follows:

The Qualification Methods report's default file name is hq_meth.rpt.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Personnel > Qualification Methods




Qualification Method Code

Code identifying a qualification method in Highly Qualified Teacher records, as defined by either your state or your organization. These codes are entered in the Highly Qualified Method and Highly Qualified Reason fields. Character/12

Qualification Method Description

Description of the qualification method. Character/35

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