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Post Cleared Checks

Use this option to reconcile pay checks in the Check History table. As part of the process, you can enter individual check numbers or ranges of numbers, set clearance dates, and compare the amounts against line items on your bank statements.


If your bank provides you with a tape of the checks that have cleared, you can use the Check Reconciliation option in lieu of the Post Cleared Checks option.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Post Cleared Checks

Posting cleared pay checks.

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Post Cleared Checks to display the Post Cleared Checks page.
    Before posting your checks, you may want to run the Human Resources > Reports > Payroll > Outstanding Checks option, which generates a listing of outstanding checks or a report that includes all checks in the history file. For information, refer to Outstanding Checks.

  2. In the Start Check Number field, enter the number of a check issued either during payroll processing or as a manual check.
    As an option, you can identify a range of checks by entering the first number in the range in the Start Check Number field and the last number in the range in the End Check Number field.

    • If the system finds a check matching this number, the system defaults the issuance date, employee number, employee name, and amount to their respective fields. Proceed to Step 3.

      • If the system finds one or more uncleared checks within a range, the system displays the following message. Proceed to Step 3.
        X uncleared checks found within range. Total amount: 9,999.99
        In this example, X represents the number of checks and 9's are used to signify the total amount.

    • If the system finds only one check and the check was previously cleared, the message 'Check has already been cleared' displays. Besides the other check information, the clearance date defaults to the Date Cleared field. Proceed to Step 3 if you want to change the clearance date or click Back to return to the Check Number field so you can enter another number.

    • If no check matches the number you entered, the message 'Check not on file' displays. Enter another number in the Check Number field.

  3. In the Date Cleared field, enter the transaction date from your bank statement.

  4. The remainder of the procedure depends on whether you found an individual check or range of checks.

    1. For an individual check, after you enter a date, a confirmation dialog displays.
      Click Yes to post the check to the Check History table as cleared and return to the Start Check Number field.
      Click No to return to the Check Number field without posting the check.
      In either case, repeat Steps 2-4 for each check you want to clear.

    • For a range of checks: Use the Issue Date, Employee, and Amount fields to identify one or more checks within the range.
      For example, you can narrow the search to an individual check or specific group of checks. If you leave these fields blank, the system will clear all checks within the range.
      Click OK to display a confirmation dialog.
      Click Yes to clear the checks identified. Proceed to Step 5
      Click No to return to the Start Check Number field. You can repeat Steps 2 - 4 or cancel process by clicking Back.

  5. In the Print window, enter settings to generate the Payroll Cleared Checks log. The report's default file name is clear_pr.rpt.

  6. Click OK to generate the report.




Start Check Number

Number assigned to a check during a pay run or through manual entry. Enter either an individual check number or the first check number for a range of checks.

End Check Number

Last number in a range of checks. Initially, the field defaults the number from the Start Check Number field. You may accept this number if you are posting an individual check. To identify a range, enter the last number in the range.

Date Cleared

Date the check cleared, as listed on your statement. Initially, the field displays the Human Resources Profile's Transaction Date, which you may change if needed. If you do change the date, the new date continues to display until you either close the page or enter another date.

If you are processing an individual check, the display-only information in the following fields defaults from the Check History table. If you are processing a range of checks, you can use these fields to enter selection criteria identifying specific checks within the range.

Issue Date

Date assigned to the check, either during payroll processing or when the check was entered manually.


Employee's identification number. The employee's name also displays in the adjacent field.


Amount of pay issued. Verify this against the amount on your bank statement.

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