Post Future Pay Rates page
23.10 and later
Use the Post Future Pay Rates page to post future pay rate records to overwrite current pay rate records.
The post process should be performed for groups of employees between the final pay run using the current pay rate and the first pay run that should use the future pay rate.
The Effective Date is only used to select records to post. It is dropped from the pay rate during the post process. Posted pay rates overwrite current pay rates and are applied immediately to the next pay run.
Menu path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Future Positions and Pay Rates menu, select Post Future Pay Rates.
Before you post future pay rates, create a database backup.
For on-premise customers, this is likely processed by a system administrator.
For hosted customers, enter a Support case to have a backup created.
Post Future Additional Duty Codes and Future Job Classes.
Post future pay rates
Enter Selection Criteria to identify pay rates to post, and then click Accept.
On the Preview Post page, review the details. Messages will indicate if future pay rates have an effective date later than the system date or in the next fiscal year.
If there are multiple messages, from the action bar click Error Details to review full information.
If there are pay rates that should not be posted immediately, click Exclude on the pay rate record. This reduces the need to go back and refine the search.
From the action bar, click Post. A message appears to make sure that you want to immediately overwrite current pay rates with the selected future records. Select Database backup completed to activate the Post option.
Click Post.
Selection Criteria
You may use any combination of selection criteria to select pay rates to post. Records matching all entered criteria will be posted.
Field | Description |
Control Number | Enter a control number to post a batch of future pay rates. |
Effective Date | Enter the effective date of future pay rates to post. Pay rates that match the exact effective date will be posted. To post future pay rates with effective dates on or before the date entered, format as <=MM/DD/YYYY. |
Employee Number | Enter one or multiple employee numbers, separated by a pipe symbol. For example, 123|582. |
Job Class | Enter or select one or more job classes. |
Calendar | Enter or select one or more calendars. |
Calendar Start Date | Enter a calendar start date. To post future pay rates with calendar start dates on or before the date entered, format as <=MM/DD/YYYY. |
Pay Group | Enter or select one or more pay groups. |
Status | Select a status for records to post.