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Posting Groups

The approval group setup for Human Resources Workflows provides you with the ability to assign multiple posting groups for each Recruitment workflow type. In Recruitment, the Posting Group page allows you to add, update, and delete posting groups that will be used when a new job posting is submitted for approval. Refer to the Approval Groups section for more information.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Posting Groups

Action Bar Items

The Posting Groups page's Action Bar displays the following items:


Enables you to add a new posting group by copying an existing one.


Displays the Posting Groups Preview page, which enables you to preview the postings that the system finds based on your rule definition.

For details on these items, refer to the Procedures section.

If you are adding or updating a posting group, two additional action items are available when you are on the Rule Definition tab:

Insert Row

Displays a blank row above the statement that your cursor is on so you can enter a new statement to the rule definition.

Delete Row

Removes the statement that your cursor is on from the rule definition.

Rule Definitions

Your posting groups are defined by rule definitions. Rule definitions use the same logic as Advanced Search. An advanced search lets you define criteria using many fields associated with a particular type of record. You define search criteria through search statements and logical operators. For details on Advanced Searches, refer to your Getting Started Manual.

It is important to map out your posting groups to make sure your groups fall into the rule definitions you define. When defining a rule that has multiple statements involved, a posting must match each statement to be included. If a posting does match any part of the statement or they do not have a record for any of the areas used in the rule, they will not be included in the posting group.

Following are the procedures for adding, updating, copying, previewing, and deleting posting groups. In addition, procedures for generating the Posting Group Table report are included in this section.

Adding posting groups

  1. Select System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Posting Groups to display the Posting Groups page.
  2. Click Add New to access the Details tab.
    The Posting Group ID field will display the word AUTO and cannot be accessed. This field stores a system generated ID number and is a key to the posting group. The number is generated when the posting group is added.
  3. In the Posting Group Name field, enter a title for the group.
  4. In the Description field, enter a description for the group.
  5. In the Rule Definition tab, define the rules for the posting group.
  6. Click OK.
  7. After the system saves the posting group, one of the following occurs, depending on the Continuous checkbox:
    • If the box is not selected, you will return to the section you were when you clicked Add New.
    • If the box is selected, the cursor returns to the Posting Group Name field for adding another record. Repeat Steps 3-6 to add another record, or click Back to return to the Search section.

Updating posting groups

  1. Select System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Posting Groups to display the Posting Groups page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria for listing the groups you want to update, and then click Find.
  3. In the List section, select a group, and click OK.
  4. In the Details and Rule Definitions tabs, enter your changes, and then click OK.
  5. If the Continuous field is not selected, you will return to the List section. Repeat Steps 3-4 to change the next record in the list, or click Back to return to the Search section.
    If the Continuous field is selected, the system displays the next record from the List section. Repeat Step 4. When you finish changing the desired records, click Back to return to the List section.

Copying posting groups

  1. Select System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Posting Groups to display the Posting Groups page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria for listing the groups you want to copy, and then click Find.
  3. In the List section, select a group you want to copy, and then click Copy on the Action Bar.
    When copying a posting group, you are put in add mode with all the information from the group you selected to copy from defaulted into the fields. COPY: will display before the original group title in the Posting Group Name field to indicate the copy is occurring.
  4. Enter your changes on the Details and Rule Definitions tabs for the new posting group.
  5. Click OK.
  6. If the Continuous field is not selected, you will return to the List section. Repeat Steps 3-4 to copy another record, or click Back to return to the Search section.
    If the Continuous field is selected, the cursor returns to the Posting Group Name field so you can create another copy of the posting group.

Previewing posting groups

  1. Select System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Posting Groups to display the Posting Groups page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria for listing the groups you want to preview, and then click Find.
  3. In the List section, select a group, and click Preview on the Action Bar to display the Posting Groups Preview page.
    The Posting Group Preview page displays the following:
    • A list of all postings that match the criteria defined by the rule definitions.
    • The SQL statement in the SQL Text field that was created from the rule definition. The SQL statement cannot be changed on the preview page. However, you can access this field to copy the statement if necessary.
  4. Click Back when you finish your preview.

Deleting posting groups

  1. Select System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Posting Groups to display the Posting Groups page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria for listing the groups you want to delete, and then click Find.
  3. In the List section, select a group, and then click Delete.
  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

Generating the Posting Group Table report

  1. Select System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Posting Groups to display the Posting Groups page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria for the posting groups to include, and then click Find.

  3. Click Print.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is empgrprpt.rpt.

  5. Click OK to generate the report.


Following are the descriptions of the fields in the Details, Rule Definitions and Approval Groups tabs. The Approval Groups tab is display-only and is not available when adding a posting group.

Details Tab



Posting Group ID

System-generated identification number for the posting group. The field defaults to Auto during add and is given the next available number when the posting group is saved.

Posting Group Name

The title of the posting group.


A text field that can be used for more detailed information of the posting group.

Rule Definitions Tab




Database table containing the field you want to include in your rule definition. Your selection determines the fields that display in the Item field.


Database field you want to include in the rule definition. The fields that display are determined by the selection in the Area field. You will complete the statement by selecting the operator and field value(s) the system will use to look for matching records in your database table.


Search operator you want the system to use in combination with the field value(s) you enter in the next field. The operator determines how the system looks at the data in the field you selected as the Item.

For example, if you want the system to retrieve records with the values of 51, 52, 53, or 54 in the field specified, you would choose Is In (Comma Delimited) in the Operation field and then enter 51,52,53,54 as the field value.


Value(s) which the system will use with the indicated search operator when looking at the field you selected from the Item drop-down list.

The Item and Operation fields determine how you will enter the Value. For instance, if you select a date field in the Item drop down list, you will need to enter your field value in the MM/DD/YYYY format. If you select Is In (Comma Delimited) in the Operation field, you will enter a series of values separated by commas.

If you select Between in the Operation field, then the Ending Value field will be accessible. You will enter a minimum value in the Value field and a maximum value in the Ending Value field. The system then returns records containing a value within the range you defined, including records with either the minimum or maximum value.


The Value field is not accessible when the Is Missing or Is Not Missing operators are used.

Ending Value

The maximum value when Between is selected in the Operation field. Refer to the Value field description.


Logical operator that determines how the system relates this rule definition statement to the next one. This field tells the system whether to group this statement with the next one and how to process each statement when a new one is created.

Choose one of the following options:

AndIncludes this statement in the same group as the next one.
OrIncludes this statement in the same group as the next one.
And GroupEnds one statement group and begins a new one on the next line.
EndIndicates you have entered the last search statement. The last rule must contain this grouping.


Informational text for the rule.

Approval Groups Tab

This tab is display only. The posting group is linked to an approval group through the Approval Groups option. For more information, refer to Approval Groups.



Approval Group ID

System-generated identification number for the approval group.

Approval Group Name

The title of the approval group.

Workflow Type

The type of workflow the approval group is defined for.

Workflow Task

The task associated with the approval group.

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