Posting Overview - Integration Customers
This section will outline the Job Posting Overview and Job Posting Approval pages, which are used by Human Resources staff members to view, create, edit, copy, delete, and cancel job postings. The Human Resources staff can also view information on applicants and applications for the job posting.
This is for customers using Integration with Unified Talent. Use the pages below located under the Posting Requisitions section of the Human Resources menu.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Posting Requisitions > Job Posting Approval
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Posting Requisitions > Job Posting Overview
Process Overview
This feature allows users to enter job postings and have them sent automatically to Unified Talent after they are approved. Once applicants go through the hiring process, Unified Talent will automatically update the application with the new employee and job posting information.
Enter job posting on the Job Posting Overview page.
View and approve the new job posting on the Job Posting Approval page.
After an applicant has been hired, the following application pages will automatically update:
Employee Information - The new employee will be added to the system using data entered from Unified Talent.
Position Control - The new position will be updated.
Job Posting Overview - The status of the job posting will be updated to Filled status.