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Posting Review Page

Use this page to access the pool of applicants who have applied for a selected job posting. The page displays all applicants for a posting who have an application status other than Pending or Submitted. A checkbox displays next to each applicant's name, which is a link to the related application.

In the Posting Review page, hiring managers can:

  • View applicants for the job posting.

  • Access and review an applicant's application for the posting.

  • Disposition applicants who are not being hired.

  • Send an email to one or more applicants.

  • Print applications in full or in part.

Applicants display under the following headings: Meets Cores Areas, Other Verified Applicants, Applicants, Hired, and Dispositioned. The headings depend on the status of the applicants' applications, as well as on other conditions, such as whether the posting includes core areas and whether an applicant meets those areas. Within the headings, applicants are divided into groups, including Internal Transfer, Internal Applicant, and External Applicants. If dispositioning is required, the applicant's name link displays in red.

Menu Path

From the Human Resources menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Recruitment menu, select Posting Requisition Overview.

Action Buttons

The Posting Review page displays the following action buttons:


Displays the Applicant Disposition page for an applicant who is not being hired. The button is enabled after you select the checkbox for an applicant whose name link displays in red.


Displays the Send Email page for sending an email to one or more applicants. The button is enabled after you select the checkbox for an applicant.


Displays the Print Selection page for printing selected information from an application. The button is enabled after you select the checkbox for an applicant.


Returns you to the Posting Requisition Overview page.

Following are the procedures for dispositioning an applicant, emailing an applicant, and printing an application.

Display Applicants on the Posting Review Page

  1. On the Posting Requisition Overview page, select the job postings to display by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the Filters section at the top of the page. You can also sort the listing by clicking a column header.

  2. To view applicants for a posting, click the View Pool icon for a job posting.
    The posting's applicants display in the Posting Review page, along with other information related to the posting.

Disposition an Applicant

  1. On the Posting Requisition Overview page, select the job postings to display by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the Filters section at the top of the page. You can also sort the listing by clicking a column header.

  2. To display the Posting Review page for a job posting, click the View Pool for the desired job posting.

  3. Select the checkboxes of the applicants you want to disposition.

  4. Click Disposition to display the Applicant Disposition page.

  5. In the Disposition Reason section, select the reason why the applicants are not being hired and enter additional reasons in the Comment field.

  6. Click Disposition to disposition the selected applicants.

Send an Email to Applicants

  1. On the Posting Requisition Overview page, select the job postings to display by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the Filters section at the top of the page. You can also sort the listing by clicking a column header.

  2. To display the Posting Review page for a job posting, click View Pool for the desired job posting.

  3. Select the checkboxes of the applicants you want to send an email to. You may select one or more applicants.

  4. Click Email.

  5. In the Send Email Confirm dialog, click Continue to display.

  6. In the Send Email page:

    • The From field displays your organization's default email address. You can change this if the applicant should reply to a particular staff member.

    • The To field defaults the email address of each selected applicant.

    • In the CC and Bcc fields, you can add addresses if others should receive copies of the email.

  7. Select a template in the Template field to apply a pre-defined Subject and text to the email.
    Enter a personalized Subject and body text.

  8. Click Send.

  9. In the Send Email Confirm dialog, click Continue to send the email.

Print Application Information

  1. On the Posting Requisition Overview page, select the job postings to display by selecting the appropriate checkboxes in the Filters section at the top of the page. You can also sort the listing by clicking a column header.

  2. To display the Posting Review page for a job posting, click View Pool for the desired job posting.

  3. Select the checkboxes of the applicants whose applications you want to print.

  4. Click Print to display the Print Selection page.
    The page includes four sections: Demographics, Posting Specific Questions, Standard Questions, and Documents.

    • Each section has a checkbox at the top for selecting or clearing the section's boxes.

    • In addition, the page has a (De)Select All box at the top for clearing the page's boxes, which are initially selected by default.

  5. Select or clear the desired boxes to indicate the information you want to print.

  6. Click Continue to generate a printable PDF of the application's information.

Fields and Descriptions



Position Title

Title of the job posting's position.

Position Type

Code identifying the position type associated with the job class, as defined in Payroll's Position Types table.

Posting ID

System-generated number used to identify the job posting throughout Recruitment.

Posting Date

Date that the job opening was posted to the portal.


Code identifying the applicant's status, as defined in Personnel's Status Codes table.

Total Response

Total number of submitted applications for the job posting.

Application Status

Status of the application. The status on this page can be Hired, Approved, Rejected, Recommended, Interview, Verified, Unqualified, and Not Selected.

Application Score

Score the applicant received on the application.

Interview Scores

Score the applicant received on any interviews, as entered in the Interview section of the Applicant Review page or on the Applicant Selection page.

Applicant Rating

Rating the applicant received based on the stars selected in the Applicant and Posting Details section of the Applicant Review page or on the Applicant Details page.

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