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Print 1099-R Edit List

Use this option to generate an edit list to check your 1099-R data. You should run this option before you generate 1099-R forms.

The 1099-R Edit report lists employee names, IDs, Social Security numbers, addresses, account numbers, and data for all applicable 1099-R boxes.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select 1099-R Processing. Click Print 1099-R Edit List.

Generate the 1099-R edit list

  1. On the Print 1099-R Edit List page, click Print Report.

  2. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. If you select File, you can edit the File Name so that you do not overwrite a previous report.

The default file name is edit1099R.rpt.

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