Print All W2 Forms
Use this option to generate W2 forms for all employees in a specified workfile. You can also print employer copies of the W2s.
Before you print W2s, review the prerequisites on Print W2 Forms.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select W2 Processing. Click Print W2 Forms, then Print All W2 Forms.
Print W2 Forms
Open the Print All W2s page.
Load W2 forms into the printer and verify that they are aligned and printing is set to six characters per inch.
In the Print Criteria section, complete the fields, and then click Accept. The system prints two forms per page. Write down your settings in case you need to stop printing before the forms are completed. If so, you can use the Restart W2 Printing option to resume printing from the point where you stopped. You must re-enter the original settings.
In the Laser Forms Criteria section, identify the forms you use, and then click Accept.
On the Print page:
Select a destination for the log file, and then click OK. The default file name is w2frm_neg.log.
To send your W2 data to the printer, leave the default destination on Printer, and then click OK. When Printer is selected, you cannot edit the file name.
To store your data to print later, select File, edit the file name to replace the default (w2forms.rpt), and then click OK. If you are saving individual batches, you must enter a unique file name for each to avoid overwriting any files.
Print Information Section
Use the following fields to select a workfile, choose a sort order, and specify whether to include employee check locations on the W2 forms.
Field | Description |
Tax Year | Tax year reported on the W2 form. |
Employer Control Number | Code number identifying a workfile in combination with the tax year. The drop-down list includes control numbers from all existing workfiles for the year specified, plus the setting All. |
Sort Order | Order for sorting the report. Select:
If both regular and qualified Medicare employee W2 forms are being printed for the same federal Employer Identification Number and you are only submitting W2 forms to the Social Security Administration (rather than electronic file), you must select 4 as the sort parameter. |
Employees to Print | Determines if W2s are printed for active employees, terminated employees, or both (all). Select:
This selection is beneficial to your organization if you instruct active employees to print W2s from Employee Access Center (EAC). This allows you to print W2s for terminated employees who no longer have access to EAC. If a terminated employee has the Printed W2 setting on the Tax Information page in EAC set to N - W2 in Employee Access Center, the W2 will not be printed. This field must be set to Y - Printed W2. A user with permission to impersonate an employee in EAC can modify this option. If your organization does not use Employee Access Center to distribute W2s, select 1 - All Employees to print W2s for both active and terminated employees. |
Print Check Location | Checkbox indicating whether the W2s should include the location where employees receive their paychecks or direct deposit vouchers. Check locations are specified in the Employee W2 File Update page. Select the box to print the locations. The purpose of including this information is to make distribution easier. If you mail W2s to your employees, the check location is not needed. |
Check Location | Print W2 forms for one or more specific Check Locations. You can multi-select locations to only print W2s for those locations, or leave blank to print all. |
Laser Form Information Section
Field | Description |
Pressure Seal Forms | Select if you use pressure seal forms. If you select this box, you cannot select Universal Form. |
Reverse Portrait Printing | Select if the pressure seal forms should use the reverse portrait setting when printing. |
Universal Form | Select if you use the universal laser form. If you select this box, you cannot select Pressure Seal Forms. The universal form is intended to print on blank paper or forms and prints the table lines in addition to the W2 information. |
Pre-Printed Back | Select if your forms are pre-printed on the reverse side. |
Pre-Printed Front | Select if your forms are pre-printed on the front side. |
Form Type | Setting for specifying whether to print W2s for employees, the employer, or both. Select: