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Print Substitute Mailer Report

Use this option to generate a report showing information on substitutes who filled in for regular employees. The Substitute Mailer Report page's Pay Run field enables you to reference the current pay run, as well as previous pay runs.

Each page in the report lists an individual substitute with the following information, as entered in the Attendance page:

Pay Run Code

Employee's Location

End Date

Substitute's Name

Employee's Name

Hours/Days Worked

Substitute's Address

Start Date

Amount Paid

The substitutes' addresses are included to allow you to mail the relevant pages with their checks.

Generating the Substitute Mailer report

  1. Click Employee Time Reports in the Pay Run Processing page to display the Time Reports page.
    If you are using the Payroll Wizard, the Print Employee Time page displays when you click Next in the Edit Employee Time page.

  2. Select the Substitute Mailer Report checkbox. You also can select checkboxes for various pay run reports, as well as timecard sheets.

  3. Click Next.
    If you selected other report options, the Substitute Mailer Report page displays after these options have run. Otherwise, the page displays when you click Next in the Time Reports page.

  4. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the substitute teachers to include, and then click OK.

  5. In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Substitute report. The report's default file name is submail.rpt.

  6. Click OK. The Pre-Calc Report page displays after the report is generated.


The following fields display in the Substitute Mailer Report page's Report Criteria section:




Codes from Personnel's Location table, as assigned to absent employees in the Employee Information page's Personnel tab.

Substitute Number

Employee ID numbers of the substitutes.

Start Date

Dates when the substitutes began their assignments.

Stop Date

Dates when the substitutes' assignments ended.

Pay Run

Codes identifying pay runs. The current pay run defaults to the field. If needed, enter another code or use the pipe symbol to identify multiple runs, for example, A12|B12|C12.

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