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Print Timecards

Use this report option to print paper copies of employee timecards entered through Time Entry. The timecard shows identifying information for the employee, daily hours worked broken down by pay code, approval actions taken, and notes entered by the employee. The last line for each employee's timecard provides room for a signature and date.

If an unapproval action was taken, the timecard will show the reason submitted by the supervisor. The printed timecard is especially useful in this case since it gives the supervisor a way to communicate necessary corrections to the employee.

You can limit the timecards selected based on Time Entry department, pay week starting date, and pay run code. The report prints one timecard per page.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Time Entry > Print Timecards

Generating the Time Entry Employee report

  1. Select Human Resources > Reports > Time Entry > Print Timecards to display the Timecard Printing page.

  2. In the Timecard Printing Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include:

    T/E Department

    Enter a Department code, or leave the field blank to include all departments in the report.

    Week to Print

    Identify the pay week's starting date.

    Pay Run

    Enter a code for a specific Pay Run, or leave the field blank to include timecards regardless of pay run.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is timrptcrd3.rpt.

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