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Processed Applicants Report

Use this option to generate a report listing applicants according to entries in the Category field in the Applicant Information detail page's Applicant Status tab.
The report's default file name is applcat.rpt.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Applicant Tracking > Processed Applicants Report





User-defined codes identifying either specific openings or general categories of applicants, depending on how your codes are set up. You can use the pipe symbol between codes, for example,SUPV1410|CLRK1416|BKPR1390.

Application Received Date

Date that the application was received. Leave this field blank, unless you only want to include applicants who submitted their applications on a specific date.

Application Renewed Date

Date that the application was renewed. Leave this field blank, unless you only want to include applicants who renewed their applications on a specific date.

Hire Status

Codes identifying the status of applicants, as defined in the Status Code table. You can enter multiple codes in this field by using the pipe symbol between codes, for example, ACTV|PEND|HIRE.

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