Question Bank Questions Section
Use the Application Question Setup page's Question Bank section to add, edit, and delete district-defined questions that will appear on all job postings for a selected position type.
Question bank questions only have district-defined Response Types: CheckBox, Date, DropDown, Information, Numeric, and TextBox. District-defined questions require you to create the question text that will appear in the application and may only allow one answer, depending on the Response Type.
To assign questions to an application, you drop and drag them from the Question Bank section to the page's Questions section. Once a question is assigned to a position type, it will no longer display in the section for the current position type. However, the question will be available for other position types.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Recruitment > Application Question Setup
Response Types
The following chart illustrates the additional fields that may display once you select a Response Type. A √ indicates that the field displays when the Response Type is selected. A blank indicates the field does not apply to the Response Type. For descriptions of these and other fields, refer to the Fields section below.
Response Type | Required Checkbox | Is Minimum Requirement Checkbox | Include "Other" Option Checkbox | Label for "Other" Option | Answer Details |
CheckBox | √ | √ | √ | √ | Refer to the Answer Details section below. |
Date | √ | √ | √ | Refer to the Answer Details section below. | |
DropDown | √ | √ | √ | √ | Refer to the Answer Details section below. |
Information | √ | ||||
Numeric | √ | √ | √ | Refer to the Answer Details section below. | |
TextBox | √ | √ | √ | Refer to the Answer Details section below. |
Filtering the question list
To display all questions for a particular Response Type, select the Response Type in the Search Filter section, and then click Lookup.
To display all questions regardless of Response Type, select the blank entry in the Search Filter section, and then click Lookup.
Adding questions
- Click New at the bottom of the section to display the Add New Question page.
- In the Add New Question page, complete the fields. For details on individual fields, refer to the Fields section.
- Click Save. The question will now appear in the Standard Question listing.
Editing questions
- Click the Pencil icon in the Edit column of the question to be edited.
- In the Edit Question page, change any fields as needed.
- Click Save.
Deleting questions
- Click the Delete icon in the Delete column of the question to be deleted.
- In the confirmation dialog, click OK.
Application Question Setup Page - Question Bank Section
The section displays fields for listing and selecting questions for all job postings for a selected Position Type. Questions already assigned to an application for the current Position Type will not display in the List section.
Search Filter Section
Use the fields in this section to select the questions to display. Leaving the two fields blank and clicking Lookup displays all question bank questions that are not being used in the current application.
Field | Description |
Description | Enter either the full description or the starting characters of the questions' descriptions. For example, entering Admin would match Administrator and Administrative Assistant, depending on your selection in the adjacent Response Type field. To search solely by Response Type, leave the Description field blank. Questions can have the same description. For example, you could use the same description for several Response Types. However, they must have a unique Description/Response Type combination. |
Response Type | Enter the Response Type of the questions to display, depending on your entry in the Description field. To search solely by Description, leave this field blank. Select: CheckBox |
List Section
This section displays all questions found in a search. You can add a question to the application by placing the pointer on the question and dragging it to the Questions section.
Field | Description |
Description | Displays the description identifying the question in combination with the question's Response Type. |
Response Type | Displays the Response Type identifying the question in combination with the question's Description. |
Edit | Click the Pencil icon in this column to display the Edit Question page. |
Delete | Click the Delete icon in this column for a question you want to delete, and then click OK in the confirmation dialog. |
Add New Question and Edit Question Pages
The Add New Question page displays when you click New at the bottom of the Standard Questions section, while the Edit Question page displays when you click the Pencil icon in the section's Edit column.
Textbox Section
This section includes the following text boxes for identifying the question and entering related text that will display for the applicant.
Field | Description |
Internal Description | Description of the question, as it will display on the Standard Applications Question page. Character/50 |
External Description | Description of the question, as it will display on the Recruitment Portal for internal and external applicants. Character/50 |
Introduction | Text that will display before the question on the application. The introduction is optional text that may be used, for example, to provide direction to the applicant in completing one or more questions. Character/4000 |
Question Text | Text of the question that will display on the application. Required.Character/4000 |
Explanatory Comment | Text that will display when an applicant places the pointer on the question mark icon next to the question. The text will provide additional information regarding the question. Character/4000 |
Notes | The following applies to the Introduction, Question Text, and Explanatory Comment fields:
To clear the information in one of these fields, click X to the right of the field, and then click OK in the confirmation dialog. |
Additional Fields Section
The Response Type selected determines the additional fields that display in this section, as noted in the descriptions.
Field | Description |
Response Type | Type of response for the question. Select: CheckBox |
Required | Checkbox indicating whether the question is required to be answered before the questionnaire can be submitted.
Min # of Responses | Select 1-6 from the drop-down list to indicate the minimum number of responses required for the question.
Is Minimum Requirement | Checkbox indicating if the response to the question qualifies as a minimum requirement. If this box is selected and the minimum requirement is not met, the application will be marked as Not Qualified.
Include "Other" Option | Checkbox indicating if a question allows for a text entry response. This is used when the applicant may have a different response than one that can be entered or selected.
Label for "Other" Option | Defines the label for the answer field.
Answer Details: CheckBox and DropDown Response Types
Following are descriptions of the Answer Details fields that display when the Response Type is CheckBox or DropDown. Click New below the grid to add new lines for additional answers.
Field | Description |
Answer | Text box containing an answer option for the question. |
Minimum Requirement | Indicates specifically which answers satisfy the minimum requirement.
Score | Integer indicating the value of the question. Answers can be weighted so that particular answers have a higher score than others. |
Req Disp (Requires Dispositioning) | Checkbox indicating that if the applicant selects that answer option, the applicant will need to be dispositioned if not hired for the job posting. |
Req Other (Requires Other) | Indicates if an "Other" response is required.
Doc Upload Option | Indicates whether the applicant has the ability to upload a document relating to the answer option. Select: Required - to require the applicant to upload a document if the answer option is selected. |
Answer Details: TextBox Response Type
The following fields display if the Response Type selected is TextBox.
Field | Description |
Number of Lines | Indicates the number of lines for the text box that will display in the application. |
Maximum number of Characters | Determines the maximum number of characters an applicant can enter in the text box. As indicated, the maximum number of characters is 4000. If the field is left blank, the limit will default to 150 characters. |
If text is entered require 'other' response | Checkbox to indicate whether a response in the "Other" field is required if text is entered.
Answer Details: Date Response Type
The following fields display if the Response Type selected is Date.
Field | Description |
From | Start date for the date range that the applicant can use for a response. |
To | End date for the date range that the applicant can use for a response. |
If date is entered require other response | Checkbox to indicate whether a response in the "Other" field is required from the applicant if a date is entered.
Answer Details: Numeric Response Type
The following fields display if the Response Type selected is Numeric.
Field | Description |
Whole Numbers Only | Checkbox indicating whether only whole numbers can be entered as a response in the numeric field. |
If a number is entered require an 'other' response | Checkbox to indicate whether a response in the "Other" field is required and a number is entered in the numeric field.
Advanced Options Section
The first three fields display in this section regardless of the Response Type selected.
Field | Description | ||||||||
Hide from Employees | Checkbox indicating whether the question will appear on the application for an employee who has logged into Recruitment through Employee Access Center (EAC). If the box is selected, the question will not display. | ||||||||
Hide from External Applicant | Checkbox indicating whether the question will appear on the application for an external applicant who has logged into Recruitment through the Recruitment Portal. If the box is selected, the question will not display. | ||||||||
Hide on Applicant Review | Checkbox indicating whether the question will be visible on the Applicant Review page accessed through View Pool in the Posting Requisition Overview option. The display of the following fields depends on the Response Type selected, as indicated in the descriptions: | ||||||||
Synchronize Question Responses | Checkbox indicating whether the question will synchronize answers for the applicant across eligible applications. For details, refer to Synchronization.
| ||||||||
Require Document Upload | Checkbox indicating whether the applicant will be required to upload a document with their application before it can be successfully submitted. If neither this field nor the next is selected, the Upload button will not display.
| ||||||||
Document Upload Optional | Checkbox indicating whether the applicant is required to upload a document with their application, but can upload a document if desired. If neither this field nor the above field is selected, the Upload button will not display.
| ||||||||
HR Verification Level | Indicates the level of verifications required by the Human Resources staff members. These verifications will need to be completed before the hiring manager can view the applicant and the application on the Posting Review and Applicant Review pages accessed through View Pool in the Posting Requisition Overview option. When the Human Resources staff members view the Verification Overview page, only the lowest level of verification will appear. For example, if a question has been assigned as a second level of verification, it will not appear for the Human Resources staff members until all first (1) level verifications are complete. Therefore, if an applicant fails the first level of verification, the response will not display for the second or third level. For more information, refer to Verification Overview Page. Select:
| ||||||||
Roll Question Answers | Indicates the circumstances under which question responses from an applicant's previous application will roll forward to a new application. This field is used in conjunction with the Allow Responses to Roll Forward Until _ Days Old field on the Online Presentation & Options page. Select: