Reference Table Options
In addition to its own reference tables, Recruitment draws on tables available in Payroll, Personnel, Education, Security, Workflow, and Position Control. This section provides a brief overview of these options.
Recruitment Table Options
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Recruitment > select an option
Following are the Recruitment table options available on the Reference Tables menu in Human Resources:
Disposition Codes | Stores disposition codes associated with applicants. |
Experience Types | Stores the experience types applicants can select when answering experience response type questions on applications. |
Interview Status | Stores the interview statuses used by Human Resources staff members on the Applicant Selection page and by hiring managers on the Applicant Review page. |
Reason for Leaving | Stores the reasons for leaving applicants can select when answering work history response type questions on applications. |
Reference Relationship | Stores the relationships of references applicants can select when answering reference response type questions on applications. |
Work Types | Stores the work types applicants can select when answering work history response type questions on applications. |
For details on these options, refer to Recruitment Reference Tables.
Payroll Table Options
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > select an option
Recruitment uses the following Payroll reference table options available on the Human Resources menu:
Departments | Stores the departments associated with the job postings. |
Job Classes | Stores job class codes and associates them with the position types used on job postings. |
Position Types | Stores the position types associated with job postings. |
For details on these options, refer to Payroll Reference Tables.
Personnel Table Options
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Personnel > select an option
Recruitment uses the following Personnel tables available on the Human Resources menu:
Certification Areas | Stores the certification areas associated with job postings when the posting is a certified position. |
Certification Types | Stores the certificate types applicants can select when answering certificate response type questions on applications. |
Job Skills | Stores the job skills applicants can select when answering skills response type question on applications. |
License Types | Stores the license types applicants can select when answering license response type questions on applications. |
Locations | Stores the locations associated with job postings. |
For details on these options, refer to Personnel Reference Tables.
Education Table Options
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Education > select an option
Recruitment uses the following Education reference table options available on the Human Resources menu:
Degree Schools | Stores the degree schools applicants can select when answering education response type questions on applications. |
Degree Subjects | Stores the degree subjects applicants can select when answering an education response type questions on applications. |
Degrees | Stores the degrees applicants can select when answering education response type questions on applications. |
For details on these options, refer to Education Reference Tables.
Security Table Options
Menu Path: System Administration > All > Security > Roles or Location Codes
Recruitment uses the following Security reference table options available on the System Administration menu:
Roles | Stores users who are associated with the Hiring Manager role. This role is used throughout Recruitment for job postings and as part of the hiring process. |
Location Codes | Stores the location codes used on job postings. |
For details on these options, refer to Security Reference Tables.
Workflow Table Options
Menu Path: System Administration > All > Human Resources Workflow Tables > select an option
Recruitment uses the following Workflow reference table options available on the System Administration menu:
Approval Groups | Stores approval groups used by the Posting and Applicant Recommendation workflows. |
Employee Groups | Stores the employee groups used by the Applicant Recommendation workflow. |
Posting Groups | Stores the posting groups used by the Posting workflow. |
For details on these options, refer to Workflow Reference Tables.
Position Table Option
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control
If your organization uses the Position Control system, you need to use the following option on the Human Resources menu to set up and maintain position records:
Position | Enables you to search for, add, update, delete, and print position records. These records enable your organization to track and control available positions and their full-time equivalency values (FTE's). |
For details on this option, refer to Recruitment - Position Control.