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Reference Table Options

In addition to its own reference tables, Recruitment draws on tables available in Payroll, Personnel, Education, Security, Workflow, and Position Control. This section provides a brief overview of these options.

Recruitment Table Options

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Recruitment > select an option

Following are the Recruitment table options available on the Reference Tables menu in Human Resources:

Disposition Codes

Stores disposition codes associated with applicants.

Experience Types

Stores the experience types applicants can select when answering experience response type questions on applications.

Interview Status

Stores the interview statuses used by Human Resources staff members on the Applicant Selection page and by hiring managers on the Applicant Review page.

Reason for Leaving

Stores the reasons for leaving applicants can select when answering work history response type questions on applications.

Reference Relationship

Stores the relationships of references applicants can select when answering reference response type questions on applications.

Work Types

Stores the work types applicants can select when answering work history response type questions on applications.

For details on these options, refer to Recruitment Reference Tables.

Payroll Table Options

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > select an option

Recruitment uses the following Payroll reference table options available on the Human Resources menu:


Stores the departments associated with the job postings.

Job Classes

Stores job class codes and associates them with the position types used on job postings.

Position Types

Stores the position types associated with job postings.

For details on these options, refer to Payroll Reference Tables.

Personnel Table Options

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Personnel > select an option

Recruitment uses the following Personnel tables available on the Human Resources menu:

Certification Areas

Stores the certification areas associated with job postings when the posting is a certified position.

Certification Types

Stores the certificate types applicants can select when answering certificate response type questions on applications.

Job Skills

Stores the job skills applicants can select when answering skills response type question on applications.

License Types

Stores the license types applicants can select when answering license response type questions on applications.


Stores the locations associated with job postings.

For details on these options, refer to Personnel Reference Tables.

Education Table Options

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reference Tables > Education > select an option

Recruitment uses the following Education reference table options available on the Human Resources menu:

Degree Schools

Stores the degree schools applicants can select when answering education response type questions on applications.

Degree Subjects

Stores the degree subjects applicants can select when answering an education response type questions on applications.


Stores the degrees applicants can select when answering education response type questions on applications.

For details on these options, refer to Education Reference Tables.

Security Table Options

Menu Path:  System Administration > All > Security > Roles or Location Codes

Recruitment uses the following Security reference table options available on the System Administration menu:


Stores users who are associated with the Hiring Manager role. This role is used throughout Recruitment for job postings and as part of the hiring process.

Location Codes

Stores the location codes used on job postings.

For details on these options, refer to Security Reference Tables.

Workflow Table Options

Menu Path:  System Administration > All > Human Resources Workflow Tables > select an option

Recruitment uses the following Workflow reference table options available on the System Administration menu:

Approval Groups

Stores approval groups used by the Posting and Applicant Recommendation workflows.

Employee Groups

Stores the employee groups used by the Applicant Recommendation workflow.

Posting Groups

Stores the posting groups used by the Posting workflow.

For details on these options, refer to Workflow Reference Tables.

Position Table Option

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Position Control

If your organization uses the Position Control system, you need to use the following option on the Human Resources menu to set up and maintain position records:


Enables you to search for, add, update, delete, and print position records. These records enable your organization to track and control available positions and their full-time equivalency values (FTE's).

For details on this option, refer to Recruitment - Position Control.

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