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Requirement Data Page

Use this page to enter information regarding the requirements an employee has fulfilled for Highly Qualified Teacher status. The Requirement Data page stores codes from the Requirement Code table, as well as relevant dates and notes.

Menu Path:  The page is often included in the add employee process. It also can be accessed by clicking the following action buttons and items:

  • Requirement Linking button in the Pending Employee Center.

  • Requirements item in the Personnel Information group on the Employee Information page's Action Bar.

  • Requirements button in Position Control's New Position, Edit Position, and Batch Position Edit pages.

  • Requirements item on the Mass Update Positions page's Action Bar.





Code identifying the requirement. Select a code from the drop-down list, which displays all codes from the Personnel Tables - Requirement Code Table.

Effective Date

Date the requirement was fulfilled.

Expiration Date

Date the requirement will expire.

Expected Completion

Date the requirement is expected to be satisfied, if it has not already been completed.

Miscellaneous Information

Brief notes regarding the requirement. Character/35

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