Salary Schedule Table
A salary schedule is a grid of steps (rows) and ranges (columns) used to reference salaries and hourly pay increases when rates are calculated on an employee's Pay Rate Information page. You also use a salary schedule to enter and track pay rate increases to apply when an employee meets a requirement related to years of service, education level, or other criteria.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reference Tables. From the Payroll menu, select Salary Schedules.
To enter salary schedules that are effective on a future date, select Reference Tables from the Human Resources menu. From the Future Changes menu, select Salary Schedules. For more information, refer to the Salary Schedules Option.
Salary Schedule Table Pages
The Salary Schedule Table option uses the following pages:
- Salary Schedules Page: Use this page to add, update, delete, and print salary schedules. The initial data for a salary schedule is entered in the Salary Schedule Data section. When you click Accept in this section, the Step/Range Schedule page displays.
- Step/Range Schedule Page: Use this page to define the titles for the ranges in a schedule and then enter the salary ranges for each step/range combination.
Use Salary Schedule Records
You can establish up to 99 steps for each range and up to 99 ranges for each step. For example, a salary schedule for administrators' salaries could list 50 steps, each representing one year of service, while the ranges could list degree levels, such as Bachelor's degree, Bachelor's + 15 credits, Master's degree, Master's degree + 15 credits, and so forth. When employees meet requirements qualifying for rate increases, you can change the Range and Step fields in individual Pay Rate records to reflect the changes.
You can automatically move selected employees to the next step in a salary schedule via the Salary Negotiations System as long as the Salary Schedule record is set up in Payroll and is assigned to the employees' Pay Rate records. You also can change schedules using the Update New Year Rates option. For details, refer to Update New Year Rates.
If pay and increase requirements for one job class differ from those for another, you need to set up a separate salary schedule for each.
Add a Salary Schedule
- On the Salary Schedules page, click Add new.
- Refer to the Salary Schedules Page and enter valid information.
- Click Accept.
Refer to the Step Or Range Schedule Page and enter valid information.
The number of ranges available depends on the Maximum Ranges field on the Salary Schedules page. You can enter specific titles or use numbers to identify the ranges.
- Click Accept.
- In the Step fields, enter the hourly rates or salaried amounts that apply to each step/range combination.
- Click Accept.
Salary Schedules Page
Use the Salary Schedule page to enter information that identifies the Salary Schedule record and defines the number of steps and ranges to use.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Schedule | A code identifying the salary schedule. The schedule code is used with the Step and Range fields from the Step/Range Schedule page to reference the employee's scheduled pay rate during payroll processing and when increases are awarded. The limit is three characters. You can assign the same schedule to different job classes if the employees have Pay Method settings corresponding to the salary schedule's Schedule Type. The Range/Step Rate pay method corresponds to the H - Hourly Schedule schedule type. The Range/Step Pay Per pay method corresponds to the S - Salaried Schedule schedule type. |
Description | The description of the salary schedule, such as ADMINISTRATION, CLERICAL, or CUSTODIAL. The limit is 20 characters. |
Schedule Type | The selection identifying the schedule type, which determines whether the schedule's step/range values are hourly or salaried. Hourly rates and annual salaries are entered for each step/range combination on the Step/Range Schedule page. Select:
Maximum Steps | The number of steps (rows) to include on the schedule, from 1-99. Steps are often associated with employee years of service but can accommodate other factors for standardizing increases. The limit is two digits. A schedule's steps do not have to cover every possible salary amount. The Pay Rate Information Step field allows decimals to specify salaries that fall between two steps. For example, if Step 4 is $25,000 and Step 5 is $26,000, but the employee earns $25,750, you can enter 4.75 as the rate's step. |
Maximum Ranges | The number of ranges (columns) to include on the schedule, from 1 through 99. Each range has its heading, which you can enter in the Range fields on the Step/Range Schedule page. The limit is two digits. For example, if you define a salary schedule with 20 steps and three ranges, 60 fields are included, one for each step/range combination. First, you enter titles for each of the schedule's three columns. Then you define the figures that apply to each step/range combination. |
Contract Days Per Year | The number of work days in a year, whether the schedule applies to contracted employees. This value defaults to the Days Worked field in Pay Rate records that use this salary schedule. When you set up an employee's pay rate, you can change the default from the schedule. The limit is five digits. Salary Schedule and Calendar records are used in Job Class records. The system warns if you change a salary schedule's Contract Days Per Year setting and the new value conflicts with any associated Calendar record's Number of Days setting. The system shows the associated Job Class and Calendar record codes in the Salary Schedules page's status. You can save this kind of update despite the field value conflict. |
Hours Worked Per Day | The number of work hours in a day for employees using this schedule. The value does not have to conform with the hours you enter in employee Pay Rate Information pages. The limit is four total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to two digits before and up to two digits following the decimal. |
Step Or Range Schedule Page
After you define a schedule on the Salary Schedules page, click Accept to display the Step/Range Schedule page. The number of fields on this page is determined by the values entered in the Maximum Steps and Maximum Ranges fields on the Salary Schedules page.
After you enter titles for each range, click Accept to access the steps in the bottom section, where you can enter pay rates for each step/range combination. To access ranges outside the current page display, use the <Tab> key when entering the range titles and the page's arrow buttons when entering step values. To access steps outside the page view, use the vertical scroll bar on the right and the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard.
Enter valid information and click Accept to save the Salary Schedule record.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description |
Range Titles | The titles identifying the schedule's ranges. These fields display horizontally above the schedule grid. Enter a title for each range. The number of titles depends on the value in the Maximum Ranges field on the Salary Schedules page. The limit is eight characters. |
Step Or Range Values | Enter your schedule's salary amount or hourly rate for each step and range combination. The limit is 11 total numeric characters plus a decimal, with up to six digits before and up to five digits following the decimal. |
Salary Schedule Report
The Salary Schedule report prints up to seven ranges and twenty-six steps per page. If you print a schedule with more than seven ranges, the system prints one page per seven ranges. Therefore, a salary schedule with 15 ranges would print on three pages, with the final page showing values for the last range. The report's default file name is salsched.rpt.