Salary Schedules Option
Use this option to update your Salary Schedule table. The system stores your entries in a batch file until you post them. You can modify or delete the records any time prior to posting the batch.
If you post a future schedule to the batch record and the batch includes a salary schedule that already exists in the online table, the program will delete the current record and replace it with the record from the batch. You can enter multiple versions of the same schedule with different effective dates.
After you post your schedules, you must run the Update New Year Rates option in order to recalculate the salary rates attached to the schedules. For more information, refer to Update New Year Rates.
For the procedures for using the Future Salary Schedule page, refer to Future Changes Procedures.
The default file name of the Salary Schedule Table report is salsched.rpt.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Future Changes > Salary Schedules
Action Bar Items
The following items display on the Action Bar:
Import | Displays the Salary Schedule Import page. This page allows users to import existing salary schedule tables. For details, refer to Import Future Salary Schedule Table. |
Post | Displays the Post Salary Schedules page. This page allows users to post future changes batches to the salary schedule table based on their effective dates. |
Adding a salary schedule to the batch file
Select Human Resources > Reference Tables > Future Changes > Salary Schedules.
Click Add New.
In the Salary Schedule Data section, complete the fields, and then click OK.
In the Future Step/Range Schedule page, enter the title of each range. For information on navigating the page's fields, refer below to the Step/Range Schedule Page section
You can enter specific titles or simply use numbers to identify the ranges. The number of ranges available depends on your in the Maximum Ranges field in the Salary Schedules page's Salary Schedule Data section.When you finish entering range titles, click OK.
In the Step fields, enter the hourly rates or salaried amounts that apply to each step/range combination.
When you complete all of the step/range combinations, click OK to save the schedule.
Posting a future change batch
Select Human Resources > Reference Tables > Future Changes > Salary Schedules.
Click Post on the Action Bar to display the Post Salary Schedules page.
In the Batch Post section, enter the Effective Date.
All records with dates matching or preceding this date will be posted.Click OK.
In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to post the future change batch.
Salary Schedule Data Section
Field | Description |
Control Number | User‑defined code identifying the batch file being used to store additions and changes to the Salary Schedule table. Character/8 |
Effective Date | Date that you want the schedule to become effective. When you use the Post option, the system posts all batch records that have a date matching or preceding the Effective Date entered in the Post Salary Schedules page. |
Schedule | Code identifying the salary schedule. Character/3
Description | Description of the salary schedule. Character/20 |
Schedule Type | Code identifying the type of values to use in the schedule’s steps/ranges. Select: H - Hourly Schedule - For entering hourly rates in a schedule. |
Maximum Steps | Number of steps (rows) in the schedule, up to 99. Steps often relate to employees’ years of service but can address other factors tied to standardized increases in the job classes/positions. Integer/2 A schedule’s steps do not have to cover every possible salary amount. The Step fields in employees’ Pay Rate Information pages allow decimals for salaries between two steps. For example, if an employee earns $25,750 and a schedule’s fourth and fifth steps are $25,000 and $26,000, you can enter 4.75 for the pay rate's step. |
Maximum Ranges | Number of ranges (columns) to include on the schedule, up to 99. Each range has its own heading, which can be entered in the Range fields of the Future Step/Range Schedule page. Integer/2 Example: If you define a salary schedule with 10 steps and 3 ranges, a total of 30 fields are included, one for each step/range combination. After you enter titles for the schedule’s three columns, enter the hourly or salaried amounts that apply to each step/range combination, depending on the Schedule Type setting. |
Contract Days Per Year | Number of work days in the year, whether the schedule applies to contracted employees or not. This value defaults to the Days Worked field in employees’ Pay Rate Information pages. If needed, you can change the default from the schedule when you set up an employee’s rate. Integer/5 |
Hours Worked Per Day | Number of hours employees work per day. This value does not have to conform with the hours entered in employees’ Pay Rate Information pages.Integer/2 |
Future Step Or Range Schedule Page
After you define a schedule in the Salary Schedule Data section, click OK to display the Future Step/Range Schedule page. The number of fields available in this page are determined by the values entered in the Maximum Steps and Maximum Ranges fields.
After you enter titles for each range, click OK to access the steps in the bottom section, where you can enter pay rates for each step/range combination.
To access ranges outside the current page display, use the <Tab> key when you are entering the range titles and the page's arrow buttons when entering step values.
To access steps that lie outside the page view, use the vertical scroll bar on the right, and the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard.
You must complete this page and then click OK to save the record.
Field | Description |
Range Titles | Titles identifying the schedule’s ranges. These fields display horizontally above the schedule grid. Enter a title for each range. The number of titles depends on your entry in the Salary Schedule Data section's Maximum Ranges field. Character/8 |
Step Or Range Values | Each field in this scrolling section accepts the salary amount or hourly rate for each step and range combination in your schedule. Decimal/11,5 |