Update New Year Rates
Use this option to update employees' Pay Rate records when you start a new fiscal year. The update applies new salary schedules and resets employees' paid-to-date values to zero.
The Update New Year Rates option also clears the following contract payout values in hidden fields in the Pay Rate table:
pyo_date | Date the remaining contract was paid out. |
pyo_rem_pay | Number of pays remaining through the end of the contract. |
pyo_days | Number of work days remaining. |
pyo_rate | Rate used to pay the remaining time on the contract. |
pyo_amt | Amount paid out under the contracted rate, as calculated in the Employee Information page's Payouts option. |
You can select the records to update by either Job Class, Schedule, Start Date, Pay Group, or any combination of these fields. The changes take effect when you process your next pay run.
During processing, the system looks for termination dates in Employee Information pages (Terminate option) and also checks the Status fields in pay rates. Terminated employees and terminated rates cannot be updated.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Update New Year Rates
Back up your database before running this option, so that you can restore your data if needed.
Updating Pay Rates
The Update New Year Rates option updates Pay Rate records for selected employees when you have added new calendars to job classes or changed existing calendars. This updates pay dates and contract dates in employees' pay rates, provided you select the Reset Dates checkbox in the Update New Year Rates page.
Following are conditions related to the updating of employees' pay rates:
- The Update New Year Rates option recalculates the days worked based on the new calendar. If the updated number of days worked differs from the original, the annual salary may change for hourly and daily wages. All percentage rates are also recalculated according to changes in the salary.
- If you also create new salary schedules, you must assign these records to the appropriate job classes before running the Update New Year Rates option.
- For employees who need to be moved to their next steps on their schedules, you can change the Step fields in their pay rates. If you use the Salary Negotiations System, you can run the Auto Step option in Salary Negotiations. Another alternative is to change the salary amounts in schedules and allow the system to update employees at their current steps and ranges.
- If you change the unit rate for a pay code with a Pay Type of U - Per Unit Rate, the system updates pay rates that have this pay code assigned.
- The system does not store the values entered in the Update New Year Rates page. As a result, we recommend that you keep a record of these values for future reference.
For related information, refer to Pay Code Table and Pay Rate Information Pages.
The start date entered in Step 2 is the date that the current (existing) schedule became effective. The new schedule starts as of your next pay run.
Updating pay rates for a new year
- Back up your database.
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Update New Year Rates to display the Update New Year Rates page.
In the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria in the following fields to identify employees' pay rates:
Start Date
Pay Group
Leave the fields blank to update all pay rates.
- Select the following checkboxes as needed: Inactive Rates, Reset Dates, and Reset Balances.
For field descriptions, refer below. - Click OK.
- In the Print window, enter your report settings, and then click OK.
The report's default file name is salupdat.rpt. If you run several updates, be sure to change the name for each report to avoid overwriting a previous report. - Click OK when the updates are complete.
Field | Description |
Class | Enter the Job Class code assigned to employees' pay rates. To identify multiple job classes, insert the pipe symbol between codes, for example,1020|3450|4170 Leave the field blank to update rates for all job classes or by the classes associated with the pay groups identified in the Pay Group field. |
Schedule | Enter the Salary Schedule code assigned to employees' pay rates. To identify multiple schedules, insert the pipe symbol between codes, for example, AD1|AD2|AD3. |
Start Date | Enter the date that the current (existing) Salary Schedule became effective. |
Pay Group | Enter pay group codes separated by the pipe symbol, for example,W|B|M or 1|2|3.Leave the field blank to updates rates for all groups associated with the job classes selected. |
Employee Number | Enter the ID numbers of employees to include in the update, separating each number with the pipe symbol, for example,191011357|208329964|256934511.Leave the field blank to update employees' rates based on the previous field. |
Inactive Rates | Select the checkbox to update rates that are currently inactive. Leaving the box blank prevents these rates from being updated. |
Reset Dates | Select the checkbox to update the following rate information:
Leave the field blank if you do not want to update the date information. |
Reset Paid to Zero and Update Contract Limit Or Balance | Select the checkbox to reset paid amounts to zero and update contract limits and balances. Cannot be selected if Retain Paid and Update Contract Limit/Balance is selected. |
Retain Paid and Update Contract Limit Or Balance | Select the checkbox to retain paid amounts and update contract limits and balances. Cannot be select if Reset Paid to Zero and Update Contract Limit/Balance is selected. This retains the Paid and Contract Limit fields while updating the Annual Salary field on the Pay Rates page. |
Reset Pay Code Calendar Cycle Units Or Earned | Select the checkbox to reset calendar cycle units and calendar cycled earned to zero. |