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Pay Rates Page

Use this page to create employee pay rates. Following are some of the rules that apply to these records:

  • An employee may have up to 20 active pay rates. The only limitation is that an employee's rates are restricted to 30 distribution accounts.
  • The system numbers the rates in the order you enter them.
  • An employee must have a primary rate to be paid. This rate must be created before you can add any secondary rates.
  • Secondary rates can cover positions an employee might hold in addition to the one addressed by the primary rate.
  • If an employee performs additional duties concurrent with the primary position, you do not need to create a separate rate for each. Instead, you can use a special page to enter them when setting up the primary rate.

After you complete a rate record, the system asks if you would like to enter another rate. If so, a new form appears. If not, the system saves the rate records entered and displays the Payroll page.

Page Sections

The Pay Rates page includes the following sections:


Rate Information

Required fields for identifying the pay rate in payroll processing. Includes fields on class, calendar, and status. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

Pay Information

Fields defining the employee's pay rate and docking rate. This section stores the record's pay method, the number of hours an employee works in a day and pay period, and the rate's full-time equivalency (FTE) value. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

Annual Salary and Contract

Determines whether the position being paid is a contract position. If so, you can set the number of contract days and limit how much pay an employee can receive in a year. There is also a field that tracks the cumulative amount paid so that year-end payouts can be calculated.

Position Assignments

Use this page to assign positions to employees defined in the Position Control System. When you are setting up a pay rate and you enter a job class that is under Position Control, the Position Assignments page automatically displays after you complete the Job Class field when adding a rate. You also can display the page at any time for an existing rate following the menu path below.

On the Position Assignments page, you can assign as many positions as needed until a maximum of 30 accounting distributions is reached for the employee. After you enter a position code, the position's default full-time equivalency (FTE) value displays. You may change this as needed, depending on the Position Control field in your Human Resources Profile, which accepts one of the following settings:

Allows users to assign positions to employees defined in the Position Control System.


Fields identifying the rate's accounting distributions, including budget units (low organizations), liability accounts, and the percentage of pay to distribute to each.


Nearly identical to the Organization section, this section stores distributions for project accounting.

Action Button

The page displays the following button:

Additional Rate or Rate Window

Displays the Additional Rates page. This page allows users to associate additional rates with an employee's primary pay rate.

Salary Calculations

The calculations used to determine an employee's annual salary and sometimes the pay rate depend on the Pay Code record's pay type and the Pay Rate record's pay method.

Pay Type

Pay Method




Annual Salary = Days Worked x Hours/Day


Annual Salary = Days Worked x Pay Rate

Range/Step Rate (Salaried Schedule)

Pay Rate = Schedule Amount ÷ (Schedule Days Worked x Schedule Hours/Day)

Range/Step Rate (Hourly Schedule)

Annual Salary = Days Worked x Hours/Day x Pay Rate



Annual Salary = Days Worked x Hours/Day x Pay Rate


Annual Salary = Days Worked x Pay Rate

Range/Step Rate (Salaried Schedule)

Pay Rate = Schedule Amount ÷ (Schedule Days Worked x Schedule Hours/Day)

Range/Step Rate (Hourly Schedule)

Annual Salary = Days Worked x Hours/Day x Pay Rate

Per Unit Rate


Annual Salary = Pay Rate x Days Worked x Hours/Day


Annual Salary = Pay Rate x Days Worked

Range/Step Rate (Salaried Schedule)

Pay Rate = Schedule Amount ÷ (Schedule Days Worked x Schedule Hours/Day)

Range/Step Rate (Hourly Schedule)

Annual Salary = Pay Rate x Days Worked x Hours/Day

Per Period Rate

Pay Period

Annual Salary = [(FTE x Schedule Amount) x (Days Worked ÷ Schedule Days Worked)] ÷ Pays Per Year

Range/Step Pay (Salaried Schedule)

Pay Rate = Schedule Amount ÷ (Days Worked x Hours/Day)

Range/Step Pay (Hourly Schedule)

Annual Salary = Pay Rate x Days Worked x Hours/Day

Timecard Amount

Not allowed in Pay Rates


Special Amount

Not allowed in Pay Rates


Set Up a Pay Rate

  1. On the Pay Rates page, complete the following sections. Refer to the Fields and Descriptions for more information. Refer to the Additional Rates page for more information on the Additional Rate or Rate Window Action Button.
    • Rate Information
    • Pay Information
    • Annual Salary and Contract
  2. In the Position Assignments section:
    • If you enter a secondary rate and the Include Dock checkbox is selected, the Docking Rate page displays, either after you complete the Position Assignments section or after you click OK in the Contract section for a rate that is not under Position Control. Refer to the Docking Rate page for more information.
    • Otherwise, the cursor advances to the Organization section.

      The Position Assignments section will only appear if the job class on the record is under Position Control.
  3. In the Organization section:
    • If your Fund Accounting Profile's Full Account Expense checkbox is selected, the Full Account Window page appears. After you complete this page, proceed to step 4.
    • If the pay rate's job class is under Position Control, the accounting distributions default to the Organization and Project sections from the Position record. In this case, the distributions can only be changed in Position Control. Proceed to the Project section.
    • Otherwise, complete the necessary distribution lines in the Organization section, and then proceed to the Project section.
  4. In the Project section:
    • If project accounting applies to this pay rate, complete the necessary distribution lines, and then proceed to step 5.
    • If project accounting does not apply, proceed to step 5.
  5. After you exit the Project section, the Enter Effective Date window appears:
    • Click Next to accept the default (today's date).
    • Otherwise, enter the date when you want the pay rate to take effect, and then click Next.
  6. For the Question:
    • Click Yes to add a secondary pay rate, then repeat steps 1 to 5.
    • Otherwise, click No to close the Pay Rates page and proceed to the next page in the add employee process.

Fields and Descriptions

Rate Information



Primary Pay Rate

A checkbox indicating whether the pay rate is primary or secondary. Select the box if this is the employee's primary rate. You must enter a primary rate before you can create a secondary rate.

Include Dock

Checkbox determining whether the system should include this pay rate in calculating the employee's docking rate. Select the box if the pay rate should be used in docking calculations. You must select the box for the primary rate. If you do not, the system selects it for you.

To include a secondary rate in the docking rate, the primary rate must have a salaried pay method, either P - Pay Period or R - Range/Step Pay, and the Override Type field must be set to S - System Calculate. The docking rate does not appear in the secondary rate but defaults to the primary rate. You can view the combined rate in the following page, which displays before you enter the distribution of the secondary rate in the page's Organization section.

Refer to Docking Rate Page for more information.

Rate #

System-generated number. The system assigns rate numbers in sequential order. Rate 1 is always the primary rate when you add an employee since a primary rate must be created before secondary rates. However, you can have a primary rate not Rate 1 if you terminate the original rate and set up another primary rate. Refer to the Status field for related information.


Employee's position classification, as defined in the Job Class Table. Following are the values that default to the pay rate through the job class:

  • The pay code, pay method, pay group, and calendar.
  • If the job class includes a salary schedule, the system uses the annual salary or hourly rate determined by the range and steps you enter. The schedule also defaults to the contract days, which display in the Contract section.
  • Deduction codes and leave codes default to the applicable pages from the job class, but only for primary rates and only when adding a new employee. These values do not default when you change a rate or create a new one.
  • If you use Position Control and the Position table includes the class you assign, you must assign a position in the Position Assignments page.

Pay Code

Type of rate, as defined in the Pay Code Table. The pay code determines:

  • The type of pay, such as regular salary, vacation pay, or leave without pay.
  • The rate's pay type must be compatible with its pay method. For details, refer to the previous section on Salary Calculations.
  • Exemptions from certain taxes and deduction codes.
  • Whether the rate applies to Workers' Compensation and FLSA overtime.
  • The leave code to update, if leave applies.
  • The title to print on the employee's paycheck or direct deposit voucher.
  • Whether gross wages can be encumbered in the Fund Accounting System.

Pay Group

User-defined, one-character code for grouping employees when processing payroll, W2s, and 1099-Rs. Pay groups often reference pay frequencies (weekly, biweekly, and so forth). Their primary use is to allow you to load time for all employees who should be paid together in a particular pay run.

For example, if salaried employees are paid biweekly and hourly workers weekly, you could assign the code B (for biweekly) and W (for weekly) to the respective groups. When setting up pay runs, you would enter W as a pay group every week and B on alternating weeks.

Besides using codes to reference frequencies, you can set up a pay group for retirees (R, for example) if their pensions are employer-paid. When you process 1099-R forms at the end of a calendar year, you can access the related employee records using this code as selection criteria.

While you can set up as many pay groups as you want (actually, one for every letter in the alphabet plus one for the digits 0-9), the W2 and 1099-R options allow you to identify a maximum of 24 groups.


Code identifying the rate's status.


  • A - Active - Enables the rate to be loaded in a timecard during pay runs. This is the default value when you add a rate.
  • I - Inactive - Prevents loading the rate in a timecard. An inactive rate can still be paid but must be entered manually on timecards. Position Control tracks inactive rates unless they are vacated.
  • T - Terminated - Indicates the employee is not returning to the position. A terminated rate still loads into timecards and can be paid until the termination date (entered in the Terminate Employee window) or the rate's end date. Terminated rates are not tracked in Position Control.
To terminate an employee's primary rate, you have to deselect the Primary Pay Rate checkbox first. You can then change the rate's status to Terminated. Refer to Terminate Employee Page for more information.


Code identifying the employee's calendar, as defined in the Calendar Table. The code defaults from the employee's job class. You can override the default by selecting another code.

Start Date

The first date on the employee's calendar. The system uses the start and end dates to calculate the value in the Days Worked field. These dates also define the period in which the rate can be paid.

You may select another date, though it must be within the range of dates specified on the calendar. When you change the start date, the system updates the Days Worked field accordingly.

End Date

Last date on the employee's calendar. If you change the date, ensure your entry is within the calendar's range. Refer to the Start Date field for related details.

Pay Start Date

Starting date for the pay rate. MM/DD/YYYY format.

You can use this field to enter a start date before the start date specified on the calendar. For example, if the calendar starts on 09/02/2018 and the employee needs to be paid for the last week of August 2018, you could enter 08/26/2018.

Pay End Date

Ending date for the pay rate. MM/DD/YYYY format.

You can use this field to enter an end date that falls after the end date specified on the calendar. For example, if the calendar ends on 06/30/2019 and the employee needs to be paid for the first week of July 2019, you could enter 07/05/2019.

Days Worked

Total days the employee works in a year, which defaults from the employee's calendar. This information is required with the following pay methods: Hourly, Daily, Range/Step Rate, and Range/Step Pay. These pay methods use the days worked on calculating the annual salary.

Pay Cycle

Selection determines whether the employee should receive a second check for special pay or advanced pay when one of these apply in a pay run. Up to two checks can be generated for an employee in a pay run that includes two or more pay cycles.

Select S - Second Check if the employee should receive two checks in these instances. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Pay Information Section



Pay Method

Code designating how the employee is paid.


CodePay Method
D - DailyPer day amount
H - HourlyPer hour amount
P - Pay PeriodPer pay period amount
R - Range/Step PayScheduled per pay period amount
S - Range/Step RateScheduled hourly or daily amount

Refer to Salary Calculations, for a list of compatible pay methods and pay code types.

Refer to the descriptions of the Pay Rate and Annual Salary fields for how pay methods affect the employee's pay.


Code identifying the employee's salary schedule, if one is assigned to the job class. The schedule determines the following values based on the range and step entered in the next two fields: pay rate, docking rate, and annual salary. If needed, you may change the default schedule.


Salary schedule range (row) that contains the employee's pay. Schedules can have up to 99 ranges. Single-digit ranges (1 through 9) must be preceded by a zero; for example, enter 9 as 09. You cannot use a decimal number.


Salary schedule step (column) within the identified range that specifies the employee's pay. You can use a decimal number if a schedule does not have a step with the exact salary. For example, if you enter 4.5 in the Step field and the schedule has a salary of $30,000 for step 4 and $32,000 for step 5, the system calculates the salary as $31,000.

If you use the Salary Negotiations System, the Step field increments when you run the system's Auto-Step option.


The number of hours per day the employee works in this position. The system uses this value to calculate the annual salary for hourly pay methods (Hourly or Range/Step Rate) and the docking rate for hourly and daily (Daily) methods. Enter 1.00 if you record attendance/docking in days.


The number of pays issued annually to the employee under this rate. The system uses this value to calculate the annual salary for salaried pay methods (P - Pay Period and R - Range/Step Pay).


Full-time equivalency value (full time = 100% = 1.000000). If the employee works in more than one position or is part-time, enter the percentage for each position (50% = 0.500000).

  • If you use Position Control, you cannot access the FTE field. Instead, the FTE defaults from the Position Assignments page.
  • If you do not use Position Control, you must enter the percentage of time the employee spends working under this pay rate.

Override Type

Selection determines whether the system should calculate the docking rate and in some cases, the pay rate.


  • S - System Calculate (default) - If this setting is used with Pay Period and Range/Step Pay pay methods, the system calculates the docking rate as follows:
    Docking Rate = Annual Salary ÷ (Days Worked x Hours/Day)
    With Hourly, Daily, and Range/Step Rate methods, the docking rate is the same as the pay rate and cannot be changed.
  • O - Override Rate - With this setting, you must enter the docking rate, regardless of the pay method.

Pay Hours

Number of hours in a regular pay period. For a Daily pay method, enter the number of days instead.

Pay Rate

Gross wages paid to the employee, hourly, daily, or per period, depending on the pay method and schedule type (if one applies).

Pay Method
Pay PeriodYou must enter the annual salary, so the system can calculate the rate: Pay Rate = Annual Salary ÷ Number of Pays
Hourly or DailyYou must enter the rate as an hourly or daily amount.
Per UnitThe system defaults the rate from the pay code. However, if you subsequently change the pay code's rate, the system does not automatically update the employee's Pay Rate record. To update the rate, you must access the Pay Rate record, and then press <Tab> through the Pay Method field.
Range/Step Pay Hourly ScheduleThe rate defaults from the salary schedule based on the range and step.
Range/Step Pay Salaried SchedulePay Rate = Schedule Amount &divide; (Schedule Days Worked x Schedule Hours/Day)
Range/Step RatePay Rate = [(FTE x Schedule Amount) x (Days Worked &divide; Schedule Days Worked)] &divide; Pays Per Year

Refer to Salary Calculations, for more information on pay rates and annual salaries.

Docking Rate

The rate for deducting leave without pay (LWOP) from the employee's gross pay. The docking rate only displays in the primary pay rate. Secondary rates can also generate a docking rate, but you only view the total rate in either the primary Pay Rate record or the Docking Rate page.

The following are conditions affecting the docking rate, based on the primary rate's Override Type field:

  • S - System Calculate. The Docking Rate field is displayed only.
    • For Pay Period and Range/Step Pay pay methods, the system uses the following equation:
      Docking Rate = Annual Salary &divide; (Days Worked x Hours/Day)
    • For Hourly, Daily, and Range/Step Rate pay methods, the docking rate is the same as the pay rate.

When you add a secondary rate (Pay Period or Range/Step Pay pay method) and the Include Dock field is selected, the docking rate is recalculated and stored in the employee's primary Pay Rate record. The new docking rate is displayed on the Docking Rate page before you enter the pay rate's distribution.

  • O - Override Rate. The pay method must be Pay Period or Range/Step Pay. The docking rate is required.

Refer to Docking Rate Page for more information.

Dock Units

Total hours or days the employee has been docked during the current fiscal year. When setting up records for a new employee, the field is blank. The system subsequently tracks the dock units as attendance is added, taking the total from Leave without Pay pay codes (090-099).

The field is reset to zero when the Fiscal Process option is run.

Dock Amount

Displays the amount, if any, the employee has been docked as a negative value.

Dock Arrears

The amount of dock pay that should be deducted from future pay runs. If the employee has a secondary pay rate and is docked but does not have enough pay in the pay run to satisfy the docked pay, this field (on the secondary pay rate) will be updated with the pro-rated arrears amount.

Dock Pays

The number of future pay runs to spread the dock arrears amount over.
The employee will retain 1 dock pay if all of the following conditions stand:

  • There is a docking arrears payback
  • The number of dock pays remaining is decreasing and is currently at 1
  • There is an amount left in the docking arrears amount
Pay Cycle

Selection determines whether the employee should receive a second check for special pay or advanced pay when one of these apply in a pay run. Up to two checks can be generated for an employee in a pay run that includes two or more pay cycles.

Select S - Second Check if the employee should receive two checks in these instances. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

Annual Salary and Contract Section



Annual Salary

Annual gross wages under this rate. With the Pay Period pay method, you must enter the annual salary. For other methods, the salary is system-calculated, as shown in the previous section on Salary Calculations.

The two per-period pay methods, Pay Period and Rate/Step Pay allow entering rates for additional duties on the Additional Rates page. The system adds the additional pay to the primary rate's annual salary. Refer to the Additional Rates Page for more information.


Year-to-date gross paid to the employee under this rate. The system uses this display-only field with the Contract Limit field to determine the balance of payments remaining in a fiscal year for a contract employee.

Contract Position

A checkbox identifying whether the pay rate is for a contract position. Select the checkbox if the employee's rate is under contract.

Contract Days

Number of days in the employee's contract. This defaults from the salary schedule, if one applies; otherwise, the default is zero. If needed, you may change the displayed value.

Summer Pay

A checkbox that determines whether the employee receives a summer payoff. Select the box if summer checks should be issued. This field applies to the Summer Time Load setting in the Load Employee Time page during payroll processing.

Contract Limit

Maximum pay a contracted employee can receive in the year defined by the start and end dates.

  • If the Contract Position checkbox is selected, the Contract Limit defaults from the Annual Salary field. You may change this if needed. Remember that the employee's pay stops when the limit is reached.
  • If the checkbox is not selected, you can change the zero default, but you cannot save your entry.

If the employee is docked but does not have enough pay in the pay run to satisfy the docked pay, the Contract Limit field will be updated to reflect the docked amount if the pay rate is flagged as a contracted pay rate even if the employee is not receiving the secondary pay in the pay run.


Year-to-date balance that remains unpaid on the employee's contract limit. The system calculates this using the following equation:

Contract Balance = Contract Limit Paid to Date.


If the Contract Position checkbox is selected and the balance is 0.00, the employee cannot be paid, because the contract limit has been reached.

Pay Out Date

Date the pay rate's contract balance is paid out.

Pay Out Amount

Amount of payout.

Position Assignments Section



Occupied or Vacant

Status of the position. Choose from:

  • Occupied
  • Vacant


Code identifying a position. Use Lookup to search for existing positions.


Description of the position.


Code identifying the position's location.


Full-time equivalency value, expressed as a decimal (100% = 1.000000). If the employee works in more than one position or is part-time, enter the percentage of time spent in each position.

Organization Section

This scrolling section accepts up to 30 entries for distributing payroll expenses in the Fund Accounting System. When you complete this section, click Next to advance to the Project section.



*Budget Unit*

Organization for distributing payroll expenses processed under this pay rate. As the asterisks indicate, the field's title is defined in the Human Resources Profile and may differ in your system.

The following are some conditions to consider regarding distributions:

  • The Budget Unit and Account combinations you enter must exist in the Expenditure Ledger.
  • If the rate is linked to Position Control, the distribution defaults from the Position table, and you cannot access the Organization and Project sections.
  • Distributions from the pay rate default to timecards during pay runs, including the Budget Unit/Account and Project/Account combinations.
  • If an employee does not have a rate for a job class entered on a timecard, the distribution defaults from the employee's primary rate.
  • If needed, you may override a rate's distributions on a timecard. However, you can only replace the distributions with one Budget Unit/Account and if used, one Project/Account.
  • If an employee's Payroll tab contains special pay, the system distributes their gross amounts using the distributions from the employee's primary rate.


Account for distributing gross pay under this rate. The conditions that apply to the Budget Unit also apply to the Account field.

One exception is that if the pay code assigned to a pay rate includes an Account code, this overrides the rate's account distribution. If needed, you may substitute a different account during timecard entry.


Percentage of the rate to distribute to the budget unit-account combination. The percentage must be entered as a decimal (1.00 = 100%). The sum of the values in this column must equal 1.00.

Project Section

This section is for project accounting distributions. As with the Organization section, you may enter up to 30 distributions.

If project accounting does not apply, click Next to skip the section and display the Enter Effective Date page.




Project organization for distributing the rate's gross pay. As the asterisks indicate, the field's title is defined in your Human Resources Profile and may differ in your system.

Most conditions that apply to the Budget Unit field in the Organization section also apply to project-account distributions. There are two exceptions:

  • Project-account combinations are validated against Fund Accounting's Project Ledger.
  • If you do not want to use a rate's default project distribution during a pay run, enter NONE in the Project section of the employee's timecard.


Project account for distributing the gross pay rate.


Percentage of the rate to distribute to this Project/Account. Enter the percentage as a decimal (1.00 = 100%). The sum of the percentages in this column must equal 1.00.

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