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Docking Rate Page

The docking rate is the amount deducted from an employee's pay when a Leave Without Pay (LWOP) leave code is entered on the employee's timecard. The rate can be hourly or daily, depending on how you issue pay.

With primary rates, the system requires selecting the Pay Rates page's Include Dock checkbox. With secondary rates you have the option of selecting this field, since these rates are not always tied to leave without pay.

  • To set the docking rate for a secondary rate, the primary rate must have a Pay Period or Range/Step Pay pay method, and the Override Type must be System Calculate.

  • The docking rate does not appear in the secondary rate. Instead, the system adds the secondary rate to the primary rate's docking rate.

  • When you are adding or changing a rate and the employee has a secondary rate that includes docking, you can view the combined rate in the Docking Rate page. This page displays before you enter the distributions in the Pay Rates page's Organization section.

  • With both primary and secondary rates, the calculation of the docking rate depends on the setting of the Override field in the primary rate.

After you review the rate, click OK to close the Docking Rate page and continue with the add employee process.

For more information on docking rates, refer to the descriptions of the Include Dock, Override Type, and Docking Rate fields in the Pay Rates Page.

How the Override Type Affects Docking Rates

The calculation of the docking rate in the Pay Rate Information page depends on the Override Type field in the employee's primary rate. This field can have one of two settings: S - System Calculate or O - Override Rate.

System Calculate

With this setting, the pay rate's Docking Rate field is display only, and the docking rate is based on the pay method.

  • For Pay Period and Range/Step Pay pay methods, the system uses the following equation to calculate the docking rate:
    Docking Rate = Annual Salary รท (Days Worked x Hours/Day)

  • For Hourly, Daily, or Range/Step Rate pay methods, the system uses the pay rate as the docking rate.

Override Rate

The pay method must be either Pay Period or Range/Step Pay. With these pay methods, you must enter a value in the Docking Rate field. However, in a secondary rate, the docking rate is added to the primary rate's docking rate. In this case, the Docking Rate field resets to zero after you close the Docking Rate page.

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