Savings Bond Purchase
The Savings Bond Purchase option can be used to generate two reports:
Employee Bond Purchase Report | Lists employees who have sufficient amounts accrued in the Inception-to-Date fields of their Deduction records to purchase their savings bonds. |
Payroll Bonds Tape for Federal Reserve Report | Documents the Savings Bond Purchase Magnetic Media file submitted to the Federal Reserve for the purchase of bonds. The magnetic media file is simultaneously generated when you print this report. |
In addition, the Savings Bond Purchase Report option allows you to reduce the inception-to-date accruals in employees' Deduction records by the amounts of the bond purchases. However, do not reduce the accrual until you run the report, verify its information, and create the magnetic media file. After these steps are completed, you can run the option again to update the accruals.
For more information on bond purchases, refer to Employee Deductions Page.
Menu Path
From the Human Resources menu, select Reports. From the Payroll menu, select Savings Bond Purchase.
Action Bar Item
The Action Bar in the Savings Bond Purchase Report page includes the following item:
Magnetic Media | Displays the Create Magnetic Media page, which produces the transmittal tape or disk file and generates the Payroll Bonds Tape for Federal Reserve report. |
Generate the Employee Bond Purchase Report
Do not update the inception-to-date balances until you run and verify the report and create the magnetic media file.
On the Savings Bond Purchase Report page, select the Update Inception-to-date Values checkbox if bond costs have been satisfied and you want to clear inception-to-date totals in employee deduction records. Otherwise, leave the box blank.
Click Accept to advance to the Employee Number field.
In the Employee Number field, enter the ID of an individual employee, or insert the pipe symbol between IDs to identify multiple employees, for example, 16273|25364|31425.
In the Department field, select a department code, or leave the field blank to reference all departments.
In the Deduction field, enter a deduction code identifying a record for purchasing savings bonds. Leave the field blank if you want to access all Deduction records set up for savings bonds.
Click Accept.
In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Employee Bond Purchase report. The report's default file name is bondpur.rpt.
Click OK.
Generate the Magnetic Media File and Report
On the Savings Bond Purchase Report page Action Bar, click Magnetic Media.
On the Create Magnetic Media page, in the Media Options section, select Disk or Tape for determining the medium to use to submit your data.
Click Accept.
In the Media Criteria section, press <Tab> to leave the Update Inception-to-date Values checkbox blank and advance to the Company ID field.
For information on this field, refer to the Create Magnetic Media Page section of Fields and Descriptions.Complete the remaining fields as needed.
Click Accept.
In the first Print window, enter settings for generating the Payroll Bonds Tape for Federal Reserve report. The report's default file name is bondmed.rpt.
Click OK to generate the report.
In the second Print window, enter your settings for generating the disk or tape file. You may change the default name (bondmed.tpe) for the disk or tape file, if needed.
Click OK to begin processing.
The display of employee and bond recipient Social Security numbers in the resulting report depends on user security and the SSN Masking Method in the Human Resources profile.
Fields and Descriptions
Savings Bond Purchase Report Page
Field | Description |
Update Inception-to-date Values | Checkbox indicating whether the to-date values on bond purchases in employees' Deduction records should be cleared.
Employee Number | Enter the ID of an individual employee, or insert the pipe symbol between IDs to identify multiple employees, for example, 13485|24712|312522. |
Department | Select a department code, or leave the field blank to reference all departments. |
Deduction | Select a deduction code that identifies a record for purchasing savings bonds. Leave the field blank if you want to access all Deduction records set up for savings bonds. |
Create Magnetic Media Page
To display the page, click Magnetic Media on the Action Bar of the Savings Bond Purchase Report page. This information is required for the file generated.
Media Options Section
Select one of the following radio buttons to determine the medium to use:
Disk (default) | Select this option to save the bond information to a file, so you can copy it to disk for submission. |
Tape | Select this option to submit bond information on tape media. This saves the data to a file, so you can copy it to tape for submission. |
Media Criteria
Field | Description |
Update Inception-to-date Values | Leave this checkbox blank. Selecting the box reduces the inception-to-date balances in employees' Deduction records by their bond costs. However, you should not do this until you create the submission file and review the accompanying report. If the report's data is correct, you can update the balances by running the Employee Bond Purchase report. In that case, be sure to select the Update Inception-to-date Values checkbox. |
Company ID | Account number assigned to your organization. |
Federal Reserve District No | Number identifying the Federal Reserve Board district where you submit your bond information. |
Bond Issue Date | Date the bond is to be issued. |
Pay Period Ending Date | Ending date of the pay period when employees had their final deductions taken for bond purchases. |
Series Designator | Series designation that applies to the bonds. Select the appropriate designation from the drop-down list. |
Department | Code identifying the department where the employees are assigned. If the employees are in more than one department, leave the field blank. |
Deduction | Code identifying the Deduction table record for savings bond purchases. If more than one code applies, leave the field blank. |