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Searching for Employee Records

Human Resources' Employee Information option initially displays a search page for listing employees. When you search for and select an employee's record, the Employee Information detail page displays. This page contains tabs and accesses additional pages, which cover everything from personal information to the data used in processing the employee's pay.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information

Search Basics

Here are a few basics about employee records and the use of the Employee Information search and Employee Information detail pages:

  • The Employee Information search page can be used to list all employees, a group of employees, or one specific employee.
  • The Employee Information detail page provides access to all records stored for an employee.
  • You also can access individual records for an employee using the Action Bar in the Employee Information search page.
  • Most employee information can be changed. The main exceptions are an employee's identification number and certain historical data.
  • The system tracks most activities affecting an employee's records. These activities can be viewed in pages available through the Action Bar's History items.
  • Your ability to access employees' pages, run certain options, and view data, such as Social Security and bank account information, depends on your security resources.

Searching for Employee Records

The Employee Information search page enables you to list employees and select an individual employee.

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information to display the Employee Information search page.
  2. In the page's Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the employees whose records you want to access.
    • To access an individual employee, enter the employee's ID number or last and first names.
    • You can use query symbols in your criteria to access multiple employees. For example, B* in the Last Name field matches last names starting with B, and >20000 in the Employee Number field matches ID numbers greater than 20000. Note that you cannot use the asterisk symbol with numeric data.
    • To search for an employee using additional fields, click Lookup in the Employee Number field to display the Employee Lookup page. For the procedure, refer below to Using the Employee Lookup Page.
    • To search for employees based on almost any employee-related field or combination of fields, click Advanced. For the procedure, refer below to Performing an Advanced Search.
    • Depending on your security resources, the Social Security Number field may not be available for searches.
  3. Select one or more of the following checkboxes to narrow your search:

    Only List Pending Employees

    Limits the search to pending employees. Pages for pending employees can be completed in the Pending Employee Center.

    Include Terminated Employees

    Allows terminated employees to be included in your search results. Otherwise, no terminated employees will be listed.

    Exclude Pending Employees

    Excludes pending employees from your search results. You cannot use this field and the Only List Pending Employees field in the same search.

  4. Click Find. Depending on the selection criteria entered, one or more employees display in the search page's List section. If the employees you want do not display, repeat Steps 2-3 using different criteria.
  5. To display the Employee Information detail page for a particular employee, select the employee, and then click OK.
    If the employee's Pending Status is Add Pending, the Pending Employee Center displays instead. For details on adding pending employees to your database, refer to Pending Employee Center.Pending Employee Center.
  6. To display a specific page for an employee, select the employee, and then select the page's corresponding item on the Action Bar.

Using "Sounds Like" to Search for Employees

The Employee Information search page's Last Name field includes the Sounds Like button, which enables you to search for employees without using the exact spelling of their last names. Instead, you can spell what their names sound like, and the system will do its best to find possible matches.

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information to display the Employee Information search page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section's Last Name field, enter the employee's name, spelling it as best as you can.
    For example, the employee's last name is Burke, but you are not sure of the spelling. Type Berk, Burk, or any alternate spelling.
  3. Click the field's Sounds Like button.
  4. Enter criteria as needed in the other fields to further define the search. Usually, in a sounds like search you can skip the remaining fields.
  5. Click Find to list the records. The listing will include employees whose last names sound like your entry and match your other criteria. Based on the example in Step 2, the system will list employees with last names such as Berk, Berck, Birk, Burk, and Burke.

Using the Employee Lookup Page

The Employee Lookup page provides additional fields for searching for employee records. To search for and select an employee in this page:

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information.
  2. In the Employee Number Click Lookup.
  3. Enter your selection criteria.
    Refer to Step 2 of the previous procedure for directions on entering criteria.
  4. Click Find to display the employee records that match your criteria.
  5. Click OK. The employee's record displays in the List section.
  6. Click OK to display the employee's Employee Information detail page.
    As an alternative, you can use the Employee Lookup page to look up certain employee ID's, and then enter these in the Employee Number field using the pipe symbol, for example 11223344|12345432|21098765.

Performing an Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page enables you to search for employee records using an extensive range of fields as well as special query statements.

  1. If desired, enter criteria in the Employee Information search page. This criteria will be used in tandem with your advanced search criteria.
  2. Click Advanced to display the Advanced Search Page.
  3. In the Advanced Search Criteria section, complete the following fields. The field titles are the first items in the lists and cannot be used as entries.


    Identifies the employee page or tab where the data is stored. For example, the selection Pay Rates tells the system to look in employees' Pay Rate Information pages.


    References a specific field in the page or tab selected in the Area field. For example, if you chose Pay Rates, you can select fields from the Pay Rate Information page.


    Specifies an operator, such as Equals or Starts With. The drop-down list depends on the type of data you selected in the Item field. For example, if you selected a date field, you can use the operator On or After, while the equivalent expression for a numeric field is Greater Than/Equal.

    Example: To search for employees in a specific job class, select Pay Rates as the Area, Job Class as the Item, and Equals as the Operation.

  4. In the fourth field, which has no title, there are several possibilities:

    • If your criteria in the Item field relates to data in a system table, click the Help button to display a help page showing the records stored in the table. Select the record you want, and then click OK to close the help page.
    • If your Item criteria is not table related (for example, a date or amount), type the entry exactly as stored. Note that the system does not recognize Tampa or tampa if the data is stored as TAMPA. You also may use wildcard symbols, such as the asterisk and question mark ( ? ). For example, the entry TA* matches TAMPA and TALLAHASSEE.
    • Depending on your selection in the Operation field, there are a wide range of possible entries. For example, if you are searching for employees by department and you select Starts With as the operator and enter PUBLIC as the criteria, your search will find all employees in any department beginning with these letters, such as PUBLICATIONS and PUBLIC LIBRARY.
    • If you leave the fourth field blank, the system only retrieves records where the corresponding field is blank.
  5. In the last field, Grouping, select one of the following:


    Includes the previous search statement in the same group as the next statement. The data in target records must match criteria in all statements in this group.


    Includes the previous search statement in the same group as the next statement. The data in target records can match criteria in any statement in the group.

    New - And

    Includes the previous search statement in the same group as the next statement. The data in target records can match criteria in any statement in the group.

    New - Or

    Adds the first line for a new group. The data in target records can match the criteria in this group or the previous group.


    Ends the criteria for the search you are defining.

    You can mix and match operators within and between groups, but be sure to check your statements, as well as the logic of groups of statements.

  6. If you selected End in the Grouping field, press <Tab> to complete your criteria, and proceed to Step 7.
    If you selected an option other than End, press <Tab> to display a new line of fields, and then repeat Steps 2-5.

  7. Click OK to launch the search and close the Advanced Search page. All employees matching your criteria will display in the Employee Information search page's List section.
  8. To display the Employee Information detail page for an employee, select the employee's record, and then click OK.
    If the employee's Pending Status is Add Pending, the Pending Employee Center displays instead.
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